1 minute read

Interested in a scholarship?

The VSBfonds offers students the opportunity to apply for a scholarship. Scholarships are made available every year to bachelor’s or master’s degree students who want to continue studying or conduct research abroad. VSB fonds scholarships are capped at €10,000. Further information can be found at www.vsbfonds.nl.



Leon Frantzen (23), graduate Conservatoriumof Maastricht, is doing his programmemaster´s Manchester.inWatch his vlog and read his story (in Dutch).

Want to study abroad too?

Ferné’s tips:

Tip 1: ‘Collect as much information as possible. For example, get in touch with people who are already there. Attend an online or on-campus open day to see whether the programme really is the right one for you.

Tip 2: Are you willing to go abroad, with all the obstacles that throws at you? It really needs to be your own choice. Write down why you’re making that choice.’