1 minute read

Water cycle


The Water Cycle

Evaporation: The sun heats up water on the surface of the Earth, causing it to evaporate and form water vapor

Transpiration: Plants also release water vapor into the air through a process called transpiration

Condensation: As water vapor rises into the atmosphere, it cools and condenses into clouds.

Precipitation: When the clouds become heavy with water, precipitation occurs in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

Runoff: Precipitation that falls on land may flow into rivers, lakes, or oceans, or it may seep into the ground to become groundwater.

Water idioms

1. Be/get in hot water.

= to be in difficult situation, especially one that can result in punishment

Example: I'm in hot water because I forgot my mother's birthday.

2. Test the water.

= to try something to see if you like it or not to find out people´s opinion before taking an action

Example: Well, it's natural for children to begin testing the waters when they are teenagers.

3. Like fish out of water.

= to feel uncomfortable in an unfamiliarr situation or doing something new

Example: When Danny first moved to the big city from the village he was like a fish out of water.

4. Come hell or hight water. = regardles of the difficulties or obstacles

Example: “I’m going to make it to the dance on Saturday, come hell or high water!”

5. As a duck takes to water. = easily and naturally

Example: Chris is really a natural surfer. Even before he began surfing professionally, he took to it like a duck to water.

6. Spend money like water. = spend lots of money

Example: She got a job, so now she’s spending money like water