1 minute read

Introduction 1

This book is a condensed sample of the first explorations carried out in the creation of new materials combining mycology, health and design.

Throughout the book you can see different lines of research in order to achieve the final purpose.


Get a perspective in which concepts such as innovation, biodegradable materials, zero waste, the circular economy, regeneration, recycling, consumer habits, modular fashion... are the basis of my decisions and actions.

Onddoak + means funghi in basque and the (plus) hints at the fact that funghi is much more than a material, they offer balance and health to the ecosystem and well-being.

The creation of this type of materials with a positive impact is essential and increasingly needed.

It is a speculative study in constant evolution in which I have been able to develop different biomaterials with their characteristics and properties through the extracts of medicinal mushrooms.

The plan is to create a topical transdermal tishu that transmits the medicinal properties of funghi.

The innovative approach of this project integrates natural resources, new materials, health and design.

This project has an important personal component because it reflects a family tradition. When I was a girl, my family would take me hunting for funghi and it became a nice tradition of being out in nature together. I feel very connected to nature, it is a great inspiration for me and this project.

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