1 minute read


Seven-year-old TRAZKERIAN sits in April Johnson’s lap as Jeremy Evans, a Youth Villages family intervention specialist, walks through the front door. Trazkerian is quiet and relaxed.

Trazkerian was neglected and abused in his biological home. When he was placed with April and Scott, Trazkerian’s house, family and school all changed at once.

“He yelled, screamed and threw things,” April said. “His behavior was scary for our other children. We needed help.”

Jeremy showed Traz how to communicate his emotions with words instead of destructive actions.

“When he gets upset, he walks straight to the living room to find a puzzle,” April said. “Thanks to Jeremy, Traz manages his feelings without causing trouble.”

All summer, Jeremy prepared Traz to transition into a new school. Jeremy and the family worked with school staff to create a behavior plan and support Traz in the new environment.

“Traz was on the edge of expulsion when we started out,” Jeremy said. “Now, his new teacher reports that he is polite, helpful and a model student.”

Thanks to Youth Villages and his adoptive parents, Trazkerian has a stable home and the support he needs to work through difficult changes.

“Everyone notices a difference in him,” April said. “He smiles and he laughs. Because of Youth Villages, Traz is happier and more comfortable every day.”