7 minute read


Leonardo Reales has been a Comedian and Storyteller since 1993. He is a Historian and Political Scientist from the Universidad de los Andes, with a Diploma in Human Rights from Columbia University in New York and a Master’s in Political, Economic and International Affairs from the Externado University. He did his Ph.D. in Political Science at New School University in New York and Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. He is former president of the Association of Alumni of the United States Government in Colombia-ASOUSA and currently Manager of the Human Rights Program of USAID / Col. / Embassy of the United States.
In this talk opportunities for Development and Cooperation were discussed. This conference on development and cooperation projects aimed to youth leaders and students. Mr. Reales also pointed out that, through this conference, the integration of the province is promoted with vibration, added to the topics of the big cities and countries. During the development of the workshop, special emphasis was placed on the opportunities offered by the United States Government and the different international cooperation agencies that have a presence in Colombia, starting with USAID.
Remote Reflections: Emotional Well-Being as a Fundamental Component of Quality Education By: Sebastián Cruz Ferrín
Sebastián Cruz is the Coordinator of the Bilingual and International Area of the YMCA Cali. Student of Social Communication and Journalism at the Universidad del Valle. He is a young leader with 9 years of experience in social impact projects. Former fellow of the US Embassy in the Youth Ambassadors program. Current coordinator of the English4All project that is benefiting 70 teachers and more than 1,000 students and parents of a public school in Cali, redefining quality education in remote times through its connection with emotional well-being and educational inclusion.
Emotional well-being as a fundamental component for quality education Distance learning has brought great challenges that we have somehow managed to turn into opportunities. This is the story of a significant experience that was born in the dialogue between a diverse team of volunteers, various organizations, and a public school in Cali.
Remote education has represented great challenges for educational communities in the official sector. The lack of state support for the implementation of effective public policies for mental health care in the education sector, added to the high workload and the abrupt migration to virtuality, has generated high levels of stress in teachers , compromising their emotional well-being and directly affecting their professional performance.
It is based on this context that the “English For All” project was born, which is being led by the YMCA at the Hernando Navia Varón Educational Institution, and which establishes its main objective as resignifying what we understand by Quality Education through generating a connection in the importance of the emotional well-being of the educational community.
This process starts from the slogan of “taking care of the caregiver”, seeking to generate safe spaces to strengthen the emotional well-being of teachers, encouraging a dialogue of knowledge and an exchange of tools on topics such as mindfulness, gratitude practices, stress management, strategies for self-care and emotional management.
This project currently brings together an interdisciplinary team of more than 40 volunteers, and is supported by Uniminuto and the UNICO Foundation. So far, it has benefited more than 70 teachers and is projected to impact more than 1,000 students and parents by the end of the year.
Young people and new leadership scenarios in coexistence By: Viviana Martínez Montealegre and Javier Eduardo Rico García
Viviana Martinez is a psychologist graduated from the Grancolombiano Polytechnic University Institution, a teacher in education and teaching, with 15 years of experience in mediation and conflict resolution in the school environment with different age groups, which has facilitated interaction with children and adolescents at the individual, group and community level. She is currently a consultant for the “Hermes” student coexistence program of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, conducting the training process for students, teachers and families in conflict resolution issues in the school environment.
Javier Rico advanced his studies at the Las Villas de Cogua Cundinamarca departmental educational institution, where he stood out for his leadership and training as a school conciliator of the Hermes program. He achieving a high sense of responsibility, leadership and commitment by playing his role as manager in the care in cases of conflict. He is currently a student of social communication at the Gran Colombiano Polytechnic. He also contributes to the construction of awareness workshops aimed at the educational community from the region where he is part of the “Redhisepaz”.
In 2007, the network of conciliators began to be woven with local meetings of school conciliators, a space where each institution raises its conflict dynamics and together they propose strategies for managing the school conflict. In that same year, a large number of schools had the Hermes program, so the figure of field monitor was created (Graduates of educational institutions and trained by the program) so that from their experience they could support conciliation days in educational institutions. where they had the figure of school mediation.
Volunteering for the well-being of communities, from your city to the world By: Santiago Reina
Santiago Reina Ortiz is a 30-year-old from Bogotá, and he has been a YMCA Volunteer since 2009. He is a professional in Physical Culture, Sports and Recreation with 12 years of experience in Leadership of training and recreational camps in Colombia and other countries. In addition, he is passionate about human development and health, service, cultural interaction and nature.
The talk lasted 20 minutes, which consisted of sharing life experiences that have significantly contributed to his development as a leader, and that have favorably impacted local, national and international groups and communities.
Leadership and empathy By: Eca Iguarán
Eca Iguarán is an industrial designer, co-founder and creative director of Bambalinas, an articulator of the entrepreneurship ecosystem.
This talk was aimed at the use of empathy in leadership.
Communication with Empathy - Colombian Sign Language By: Jhon Jairo Vanegas Barbosa
Jhon Jairo Vanegas is a deaf person from birth (bilateral hearing loss). He is a professional in Colombian Sign Language-LSC with experience for 10 years in education and dance. He is a Psychology student currently studying the ninth semester at the Ibero-American University Corporation. The technician in dance execution of the National Learning Service-SENA. He is the founder of the Fundación Arte, Idioma y Cultura del Silencio-FAICS and director of the International Cultural Festival of Silence in Bogotá in contexts of artistic development of deaf people.
Communication with empathy is not only an important component for people to help, but also a useful tool in any environment and from the culture that builds them as social beings. Empathy is the ability to understand the world, in this context, as deaf and hearing people.
The talk was aimed at learning about breaking paradigms of communication barriers between deaf and hearing people and thus avoid making prejudices. He pointed out that the lack of visibility or awareness of hearing and deaf people are aspects that generate gaps and isolate, hindering the interaction and recognition shared by communication, language, language and culture.
Finally, it generated reflections regarding: 1. Disability 2. The cultural difference as deaf and hearing 3. Communication and language 4. Barriers of communication limits