14 minute read

Level 2 Understanding Who You Truly Are and Your Life’s Purpose

You were born with unique talents and gifts, with the potential to be and do anything in your life, including making a very special contribution to the world. You are drawn to do those things because they ignite your passion, connecting you to your true self. That passion is the clue to discovering out your life purpose (DNA blueprint), which is programmed into you at birth. Even though, for most of us, our original programming has been overwritten during our lives with the software of society’s expectations, you can look beneath society’s programming and recognize what Carl Jung described as your uniqueness or your higher purpose. Anything you do that comes from such a place, while freeing yourself from the ego’s grip on your bubble of reality, can only lead to success.

Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.

Thomas Jefferson

Unfortunately, life doesn’t change very much over a lifetime for most people, who struggle in survival mode, focusing on making ends meet rather than the greater meaning of life. When it feels like survival is at stake, it’s not expected that someone can look beyond what must be done each day, and think about what life could be like if they were living with a higher purpose. When life does not turn out as one dreams, or even expects, it’s easy to feel stuck in survival mode and see no way out.

And living in a world filled with uncertainty does not help. At every turn we are faced with situations or circumstances that make us feel fearful, and a lot of the time it feels as though we stand alone against the world. Finding the inner strength to break out of the patterns we are stuck in, or push through the fear that confines us in order to create a new life, seems difficult, if not impossible for most people. So life continues just as it is, and dreams of something different remain just that: distant dreams never in sync with reality.

As described in the book, Can People Change?, there is a direct correlation between someone’s awareness (consciousness), and their degree of Life Mastery. Although it may take a dedicated effort to increase your awareness, which is the key to change, it is possible to do so. Others have broken free from their old life, and so can you.

What prevents most people from being able to do so is the limiting programming of their bubble of reality (their life conditioning), as well as a society that does not provide the right opportunities.

What’s needed to take the first steps towards a life of higher purpose is recognizing and acknowledging the forces stopping us from having the life we deserve. First, the conditioning that limits us, which is protected by our ego; second, living in an environment that supports and reinforces the limited programming taking away our freedom, causing us to be powerless.

The biggest enemy is the mind, with the ego controlling our programmed reality, with every thought and decision predetermined. Your true potential, which you are only barely touching, is unlimited, and so are your unique gifts and higher purpose. If something is lacking in your life, or you simply want more out of life, you can achieve it, as others have done. It does not happen overnight, but through a step-bystep journey, beginning with recognizing and acknowledging the programming of your bubble that has been limiting your potential. Once your journey begins, with dedication and determination, with every step forward you will also leave behind your old life piece by piece. Those who have succeeded in their journey to a better life all shared an attitude of never accepting defeat, or surrendering to their old reality. During your transformative journey, it is of great importance to be in

the company of likeminded people in a supportive environment, instead of being mentally stuck in your old, familiar environment, which does not want you to change.

When your awareness is raised, you are ready to begin the process of looking inside yourself to discover the unique aspects and gifts of your true self. Tapping into these aspects of yourself, and learning how to develop your gifts, is what you need to do to achieve the greatness you deserve through Life Mastery. Achieving richness in all parts of life is possible for anyone who is able to live according to their passions, which are aligned with their heart’s desires and higher purpose, as they are one and the same.

The sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.

Carl Jung

Discovering Your Life Purpose To discover your unique gifts and talents, make a list of the things you are good at and are fulfilling when you do them. Think of the things you do naturally in the course of your day, the things you have done throughout your life that seem effortless and are satisfying. (During your Life Review on the next pages, you may discover other things that do not immediately occur to you at this time, which you can then add to your list.) These are not things society’s standards require you to do, but rather things that come from within you. They are the things—both large and small—that you love the most, the things that inspire you, motivate you, excite you, bring you joy; the things you have a desire to do even if you don’t have to. Your passions = your life purpose.

Passion is so powerful that it can change your life. If you listen to what resonates inside you, what your heart yearns to do, this is your inner voice, your DNA blueprint that when followed will guide you on the journey of your new purposeful life, being all you can be.

The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.


Life Review If you want to know where you’re going, you have to know where you’re starting from and how you got to where you are right now—which is due to how society shaped your programming and the degree of freedom and opportunities you have been provided. You must learn to distinguish between society’s programming that created your robot self and your original DNA blueprint, meaning your true self. Only by learning to clearly see the difference can you move forward on your true life path.

During this self-examining process it’s important to look at the big picture of your life and your entire lifespan to ensure that you clearly realize the urgency of beginning your new life. At the time of your birth you were awarded a specific amount of time for this journey called life, and the months have been counting down to the time when it will all end. Right now, as the countdown continues, you need to decide how to best use your remaining time (years, months, weeks, and days) before it’s all gone. As time passes, windows of opportunities will open, but they will not stay open forever. It’s up to you to choose whether you will use it in a worthwhile and fulfilling manner, or if it will be wasted and pass you by.

The following chart is set at 78 years, which is the average lifespan of people in the United States. If you smoke, drink, don’t eat properly, have an unhealthy lifestyle, or a family history of illness, then you may need to take off some years—leaving you with even less time. This also goes the other way around, meaning if you have a family history of living beyond the U.S. average and/or live a healthy lifestyle, then add years to the scale.

Place yourself on the following Life Assessment Table to see where you are—meaning how many years of “your time” you have left.

Life Assessment Table

Your current age: _______ = Time Used

Years left (subtract your current age from 78): ________

Birth to Teens Young Adult Middle Adult

Years Lived


18 19 30 31 49 Late Adult

50 65 Retirement to Death



Years Left


60 59 48 47 29 28 13 12


After calculating your time (years) used and those you have left to live, next, place yourself in the appropriate category below to see and understand where you have been and where you are right now.

Age 0–18 years: From birth to young adult you unknowingly get programmed, which sets precedence for how life will play out for you. During these years you are supposed to become independent and carve out what you “believe” is a life of your own. The challenges you encounter = opportunities for your growth.

There are three levels of adulthood: young adult (19–30 years), middle adult (31–49 years), and late adult (50–65), but basically the entire time is spent in the active work world. Your thoughts and actions based on your programming and experiences determine how you feel about the way you’re using life’s minutes: a) gratitude for all the choices you’ve made, b) dissatisfaction, or c) numbness/a feeling of emptiness.

From retirement to physical death (65–78 years) you slow down your activities, and many people catch up on the little things they were too busy to do earlier in life. Having more free time, you have the opportunity to reflect on your life and how you’ve lived it. Your inner voice will let you know if it was all you wanted it to be—which determines whether your gift of this life was utilized to the fullest or if it was not all it could have been, and thus, wasted.

The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.

Mark Twain

Reviewing Your Past With this perspective on how much of your allotted time you have lived so far, and how much time you have remaining, review how you have used your time. As you review your life so far, first think about the larger picture and then allow the smaller scenes of your life to provide your answers. Ask yourself the following questions:

• What have you accomplished in your life? • If there are parts of life you are not proud, did you fight the enemy, or did you let it defeat you? • Did fear (created by your conditioning) play a large part in choices made/not made? • Why have you done the things you have done? • Do you feel the choices you made where based on your true desires or on what was expected of you? • Who have you been trying to please? • What do you most regret? • What are you most proud of? • In what ways have you grown as a person during your life? • Which ideals or people have been your role models? • Do you feel you made a positive contribution to the lives of others - not just loved ones, but strangers as well - and your country? • How have you honored your true self? • In the time you have left in life, are you willing to surrender yourself to the greater good—such as a higher power and country—and fight any enemies preventing you from growing and prospering?

Every experience you have had provides an opportunity for you to learn. Looking back at your life right now, you will immediately see that fear—which is the main weapon of control by the ego to make you its slave—has been your biggest obstacle, and it continues to this day: fear of disappointing others, fear of not living up to society’s standards, fear of being unloved and alone, fear of failure, joblessness, homelessness, starvation, ill health, suffering, even fear of death. The truth is, by living

with that kind of fear, you have been dying a slow death each day, not fulfilling your life purpose. You have been living in this way because you are a victim of society’s ultimate power over you: you are society’s slave, doing what you have been trained to do, like a robot. Only by realizing this is true and accepting it can you change everything.

As you begin to move forward into living your purposeful life, ask yourself: What do you have to lose? Your answer should be: Nothing! When you learn to detach from society’s expectations of the outcome, you will be motivated instead by what you need to do in order to fulfill your own, unique life purpose, a higher purpose.

Although analyzing every step you have made in your life that brought you to this point helps you gain perspective and see what you could have done differently, in actuality it does not matter now. None of it matters now. What does matter is that you wake up and fight back, to become aware of how your beliefs are responsible for your actions in life, and how you see yourself, and the world. This way you will be able to finally see who you are, understand why things are the way they are, and how they could be different. Now you can begin to erase the negative indoctrinated programming that has overwritten your original blueprint and held you back. By creating a new vision of your life, you can connect with the power of your true self, develop a game plan, and begin to transform your life. With the right support and hard work, you can become all you were meant to be. With increased awareness and a higher purpose, we can live beyond the mere survival mode, with unlimited potential for happiness and success.

In order to imagine how your life will play out, it is recommended that you now write your own obituary. A clear view of how you want to be remembered will help you create an unconscious game plan for how to make this vision a reality—which will happen as soon as you focus on what you want. While writing your obituary, know that you can do anything you set your mind to do once you are no longer living as your robot self, but instead, as your true self. With this clear view, you are ready to face your life’s biggest battle, to free yourself from the programming that has enslaved you. Always remember, the ego wants the rest your life to continue on the same fixed path you are on, but as

your true self is awakened and becomes aware, a different plan for you to follow is available. The true self wants you to summon the courage of your inner strength, go into battle and free yourself from the forces keeping you trapped. The true self wants you to succeed, and no longer accept living in a survival mode. The true self wants you to aspire to be living a life according your higher purpose. Your potential is unlimited when you are free of fear and living as your true self.

Once your obituary is written you will recognize what truly matters in your life. You will notice, the qualities and accomplishments you desire for yourself and your life can be exhibited or developed right now, in this moment. You have no other choice. Only a life lived with higher purpose can leave a legacy, knowing all of life’s gifts are put into action and not only utilized, but also maximized. It all goes hand-in-hand. A life of potential utilized in the here and now means being a positive example for others, and leaving a legacy to inspire those to come after you. All of this is possible for you, but you need to act NOW.

You can have anything you want – if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish, if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose.

Abraham Lincoln

With the new perspective you have now gained, you should be able to see a vision created in your mind of what you ultimately want your life to be. Now, you can begin to manifest this vision into a physical reality, with your mind not just believing but knowing how it will all play out.

How you will live your life from this moment forward? Answer these questions based on your aspirations to be living your magnificent new, purposeful life.

Beginning This Moment • What are your accomplishing in your life? • Why are you doing the things you are doing? • Why are you doing them the way you are doing them?

• Are you making choices based on your true desires or on what is expected of you? • Are you please with the way you are conducting your life? • How are you improving each day? • What are you most proud of? • In what ways are you growing as a person? • What ideals or people are your role models? • Do you feel you are making a positive contribution to the lives of others - not just loved ones, but strangers as well - and your country? • How are you serving the greater good? • How are you honoring your true self?