1 minute read

Janerra Copeland, Shot-Down Rainbow Coalitioner

Janerra Copeland

Shot-Down Rainbow Coalitioner

I believe I’m going to die doing the things I was born to do. I believe I’m going to die high off the people. I believe I’m going to die a revolutionary in the international revolutionary proletarian struggle. – Fred Hampton

All I ever desired was equality. Is that too great to ask for? A young, intelligent Black Man. The Black community fighting a belligerent war versus hateful hearts. The FBI classifies me as a radical threat, just because I expressed the racial injustice that lies around in the “Land of the Free.” I’m speaking the truth. My truth of Fred Hamptons’ life. My life and many others are in danger because of white people’s fragile minds. My last words to my mother. My first love. Rounds of stray bullets floods our room. The mother of my child’s body veiled by the hands of God. Bullets miss her body but rupture all of me. No way to dive for cover. No way to salvage the ones I love. America, you claim to protect, love, and help me. None of that is present. How can it be that hard to assist your citizens? On second thought you assured that I was “good and dead."

Cops stand around my lifeless body and joke as I fight for my last breath. My dear son, Fred Hampton Jr. Protect your mother. Protect yourself. The world is changed. You are “safe” today, son.