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Andrew Glossop - More Than Football Manager

My name is Andrew and I am the More Than Football Manager. The 5 year lead on the More Than Football project seeks to deliver a wide range of physical activities to engage within the community. The opportunity at RUCST in this role was one I could not resist and I am looking forward to exciting times ahead. Interests: Alongside this role I am the Manager at Barnsley Women’s Football Club.


Colton Holland - Marketing and Communications Coordinator

My name is Colton and I am the new Marketing and Communications Coordinator. With a degree in Film and Media and a strong digital marketing background, I am excited to work with a fantastic group of people at RUCST and support the brilliant work they do. Interests: Photography, filmmaking and going cinema.

We are delighted to announce and induct our new starters at Rotherham United Community Sports Trust. A range of talented and passionate individuals to expand our strong team to help us achieve our aims and goals throughout 2022. For further information on the work of Rotherham United in the Community or to speak to a member of the team please contact them on 01709 827 767 and email community@rotherhamunited.net

Andrew McGovern - Sports and Alternative Education Tutor

I am the new Sports and Alternative Education Tutor. I have been made to feel very welcome by the knowledgeable RUCST staff. I am hoping to use my decade of experience coaching in America to engage future Millers of all ages and abilities in football. I wish to educate the local community through the range of fantastic programmes. Interests: Football, tennis and golf. I also enjoy video games and comedy films.

Cara Moscardini - NCS Coordinator

I’m Cara, the new NCS Coordinator at Rotherham United. I am really excited to work for RUCST and bring the experience and ideas I have on board to the NCS Programme. I had the awesome opportunity to participate in the programme back in 2016 and work my way up to NCS Coordinator I can now play an important part in the lives of the young people we see each day. Interests: Football, dance and MMA, all of which have played a huge part in who I am today!

Jonny Allan - Community Programme Manager

I am so excited to join the team at RUCST as a proud Miller, you could say this is the perfect job! My role will be to oversee and grow the trusts delivery across all our programmes on Inclusion, Health & Wellbeing and Grassroots Participation. The aim being to promote a lifelong love of being active (and of the Millers). Interests: Cricket and coach for Wickersley Old Village CC and an avid music fan.

Sam Parkin - Youth and Inclusion Coordinator

I am the new Youth and Inclusion Coordinator at RUCST. I’ve worked within sport and primarily football for the last 18 years, I’m really looking forward to working in the local community and being involved with the outstanding projects the foundation delivers. Interests: Family time and watching any sport possible.

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