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/ Festspielbühne

Lab Leaders introduce themselves, their focus, what they offer and search. Labs are focus points and information nodes organized by Smiths.




The third edition of Meme War LAB™ maintains its forward-thinking approach, most importantly seeking the pursuit of F.U.N. (Finally Understanding Nothing). Incorporating state-of-the-art technologies and rejecting contemporary political hopes and dreams, Meme War LAB™ is highly likely to create a unique fusion of old and new comrades. We are dissatisfied by existing norms and strive to define a new affiliated union: Schmiede Gewerkschaft. Spreading the memes of production.

Lab leaders: Eva, Johannes, Stephan


- adhoc

Bring the kids: the adhocLAB is a family friendly creative workspace hosted by the adhocrates collective and friends. Each year the mixed group of all ages comes up with an unique project, combining the possibilities of the Schmiede as location with found/ reclaimed objects to create objects or installations. Most important: the kids are on eyelevel with all other participants and have all opportunities to bring in their ideas. This way everyone can experiment with new materials and gets to learn new skills.

Lab leades: Kathi Macheiner, Lilo Krebernik, Mac Krebernik adhocrates.net


- Textile and Sound

For the fourth time Textile and Sound Lab will return to Schmiede. Textile materials and textile practices are linked to sounds and music. We work on reactive and interactive interfaces and on spatial sculptures as well as on concepts to correlate and connect the two disciplines. How can interfaces and instruments be built from fabric or how can textile materials be translated into sounds? We are open to experiments and ideas of all kinds as a contact and/or cooperation partner. Interfaces are smart textiles, sensors, contact microphones, motors or muscle wires, we want to work with spatial and architectural concepts on the topics of loops, membranes, transparency and look forward to a productive exchange.

Lab leaders: Gertrud Fischbacher, Marius Schebella textileandsound.org | fwf.ac.at | fh-salzburg.ac.at | moz.ac.at


- feral

Networked Effects I: What gives? - The ferallab will initiate something new and sustainable. We will be seeking to uncover concepts of sustainability in the art, science and technology context. We will attempt to go beyond purely environmental or economic feasibility and dive deeper into the question: What are the implications of our actions? How can we connect cause and consequence without losing hope? Our focus is to sustain joy and hence our willingness and ability for action. This first of three ferallab iterations will push for spontaneous collaborative processes and initiate a fact finding mission. We will harvest ideas, information and solutions in order to bring them together and produce a perspective.

Lab leaders: Kristina Maurer, Laura Welzenbach, Karla Spiluttini rewildingcultures.net

17:20 - Experimental Science Visualization

The Science Visualization Lab at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna mainly uses various scientific datasets that are often combinations of 3D scanning processes, high-resolution images and other scientific data. These result in a multitude of visual possibilities and a richness of detail in models and animations that are otherwise rarely to be found. More time for experimentation leads to more time for creative thinking. Transdisciplinarity is one of the main goals of the Lab and we try to achieve to reach wider audiences with participatory and immersive artistic methods. Therefore, we invite once more to join us in the “Experimental Science Visualization Lab” at Schmiede Hallein to experiment with new ideas and project fragments.

Lab leaders: Martina R. Fröschl, Peter Mindek scivizlab.com | picelvienna.com | martinafroeschl.at

17:40 - Sound Accomplices

We investigate and pursued the production of sounds: The workshop “Sonic Consciousness” invites participants to play around with and experience the meaning of music and sound from several perspectives. Attendees are free to play with processes, described by Daniel Stern in the framework of “tacit knowledge of relationships” and to perceive how music can help stimulating and communicating tacit knowledge. Kristina Gorke (classically trained mezzo-soprano/performance artist/art historian) presents several findings of her research in possibilities of the interaction between the human voice and technology.

Lab leaders: Kristina Gorke, Bernd Gutmannsbauer, Markus Pöchinger facebook.com/accomplicesverein

18:00 - Studio 3

Eight is a magic number. We are happy to see Studio 3 return again and again to bring interaction design from every direction. Throughout the year, Studio 3 is a venue and also a collective to research, create, share, inspire, debate, educate, think and perform with the aim of utilizing and promoting artistic practices as a vehicle of human-computer interaction research. In September, a large part of Studio 3 will move to the Schmiede and enjoy inspiration and interaction as well as work in a different guise with unusual approaches and alternative exits. Studio 3 is part of the Center for Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Salzburg.

Lab leader: Martin Murer plus.ac.at/aihi/der-fachbereich/departments/hci

18:20 - Jam Island

Game on! Jam Island is the GamesLab embedded in Schmiede. Lasting for 3 days, the goal of Jam Island is to provide a playground for aficionados and enthusiasts alike, revolving around games and interactive media. With learning by doing being the core motivation for GameJams, the fun part is that they always result in finished games by the end of it! Get a specific topic, brain storm for ideas and jump right into creative development. JamIsland will Start: SEP 20. 11:00 and finish as well as present at Schmiede Werkschau

SEP 22. All you need is your own laptop and apply: jamisland.net Lab leaders: Florian Jindra, Rene Baumgartner redox-labs.com | jamisland.net | fh-salzburg.ac.at

18:40 - AI and Web 3

The AI & WEB3-LAB offers a deep insight into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence and Web3. Under the expert guidance of Stephanie Meisl and Claudia Rohrmoser and Leonhard Marlo the lab offers a direct experience with the technologies of tomorrow. The lab’s program includes workshops and discussions aimed at familiarizing participants with the opportunities and challenges of these technologies

Lab leaders: Stephanie Meisl, Claudia Rohrmoser, Leonhard Marlo myselle.com | studiomoto.tumblr.com

19:00 - Analogue Accomplices

Accomplices – association for the exploration of multimedia forms of expression provides analog worlds to the digital endeavors of Schmiede and invites the Smiths to participate. Clara Frühwirth will work with her participatory project fail station. Ivanka Penjak focuses on photography and Julia Eckstein on watercolors.

Lab Leader: Clara Frühwirth, Ivanka Penjak, Julia Eckstein facebook.com/accomplicesverein

Fr SEP 15. / 18:00 - 20:15 Uhr / Festspielbühne

Dialogue: feralAIR / Rewilding Cultures feralAIR is part of Rewilding Cultures, co financed by „Creative Europe“ / European Union. Partners are ART2M / Makery (FR), Bioart Society (FI), Catch (Helsingør Kommune)

Centre for Art, Technology and Design (DK), Cultivamos Cultura (PT), Ionian University (GR), Radiona (HR) Schmiede Hallein (AT) und Projekt Atol (SI). rewildingcultures.net

18:00 - Patrícia Chamrazová is taking an interesting look on what lies between the real and the digital reality, swirling around the self and the questions it drags into the coming data forests. Patrícia works across various mediums and materials, audiovisual installations, performance, site-specific art, virtual reality, augmented reality and digital art. In her augmented reality project “Remains of Tomorrow” Patrícia explores existence at the boundary between the virtual and physical worlds. behance.net/patriciach

18:45 - Kasia Chmielinski is researching the impact of “Unsupervised” zombie datasets on the internet. These datasets are open and accessible far beyond their original intended use and have shaped today’s systems: medical, financial, educational, governmental – and even online dating. Kasia is the co-founder of the Data Nutrition Project and a researcher at the Harvard Kennedy School. She is focused on building responsible data systems across industries, academia, government, and non-profit domains. dtanutrition.org

19:30 - Hidéo SNES will build a digital twin of Pernerinsel. Machine vision has changed the way we think of machines. It is not just how they understand our world, but also how they interact with it. The project “Deep Histories” explores the opportunities created if artificial intelligence interacts with real culture objects. Hidéo SNES works with artificial intelligence and conducts artistic research into its racist, misogynist and queerphobic aspects. hideosnes.online

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