7 minute read

Next Generation of Petfluencers

Meet the Next Generation of Petfluencers

Tinkerbelle and Belle.


by Sam Carrell


We heard Tinkerbelle is a rescue pup. Can you tell us about her rescue story and how Belle joined the family?

TINKERBELLE: I was in a shelter for a bit just waiting for the right human to adopt me. I knew I wanted to be a star, so I just had to be patient. And then one day, along came my human Sam. As soon as she opened my cage door, I knew she was the one. I leaped out into her arms to make it impossible for her to say no. Then our journey began, and I knew human Sam would help me be a star. Once I took to the streets of NYC, my life changed instantly.

BELLE: I lived in Oklahoma with my mom, who is a papillon, but my previous human knew that I belonged with Sam and Tinkerbelle. She would show me photos daily of Tinkerbelle and told me she knew I belonged with Sam too. For over 3 months, my human sent photos and videos of me to Sam. She knew that one day Sam would say yes to me. And finally, it happened! I was on the next flight to NYC! I was sad to leave my home but excited to be a diva like Tinkerbelle.

You both have a passion for supporting rescue animals. Tell us how you two and your owner Sam Carrell got involved with some of those organizations? How can your fans help support this mission?

TINKERBELLE AND BELLE: Being a shelter pet, I love to support others. I volunteer for meet & greets, fundraising walks, and more. Belle and I joined together for Betty Whites’ 100th Birthday Celebration and crashed the internet at a shelter! Our most loved shelter is our friends at The Animal League. We try to help them as much as possible. They rescue pups from all over the world - and kittens too! Here is the link to donate! https://www.animalleague.org

Can you tell us how you two became pet influencers? And why did you want to become a pet influencer?

TINKERBELLE: I was on a photoshoot and the stylist asked to follow me on social media. Human Sam thought she was crazy and told her that I didn’t have any social media accounts since I was a dog. Well, my Instagram account was started on set that day! As my followers grew, emails came in for me to work with brands on social media and travel. It was easy for me to fall into this new world as I was already a professional model, so I knew all my camera angles. I love being an Influencer and the perks are amazing!

BELLE: I became a pet influencer the minute I got off the plane from Oklahoma. I had seen photos and videos daily of my new sister so I knew that I could do it too! Human Sam did a photoshoot of my new sister and me as soon as I arrived and saw that I was ready to work. So, once I joined Tinkerbelle’s social media platforms, I became an Influencer!

Who are some of your favorite people you have met or worked with and why?

TINKERBELLE: I have met so many celebrities, but the top of my list is Taylor Swift and Lizzo. I have been lucky enough to meet Taylor twice now. Once at her concert and she even took me on stage during the show! Lizzo is such a fun lady and when I got the email from her team that she was performing on the TODAY show, Sam said that Tinkerbelle will be there! I got to hang out with her in the green room, take epic photos together and watch her perform. It was an amazing day, two divas together!

BELLE: I have not met nearly as many celebrities as my sister, but my latest was Ryan Seacrest. He is amazing and we shared lots of kisses and snuggles! I met Ryan while shooting a German TV Morning show segment in NYC. He heard we were nearby working and came over to meet us in person. He is such a great guy, and I can’t wait to see him again! I also got to meet Willem Dafoe while I was working on Saturday Night Live. He was hosting the show and he stopped to talk to me and then took a selfie, he was such a nice guy!

What have been some of your career highlights? What are some things you still want to do?

TINKERBELLE: My career highlights are my Google Pixel 6 commercial/ short film and my first job ever, for Ralph Lauren. I had my own trailer and loved everyone on set, especially my costar Jane, she was the best! For my Ralph Lauren shoot, it was my launch to stardom since it was my first ever booking and I was selected to be the face of the campaign! My face was full page in every magazine, billboards, and banners for Ralph Lauren. My professional wish list is a starring role in a movie or on a long running tv show. I want to see my name in lights!

BELLE: My career highlight is being cast on Saturday Night Live. I got to spend long days and nights at NBC on set with some of the best humans in the business. I made so many friends, everyone on the cast and crew kept coming to take selfies with me during their break and I gave them lots of kisses! I felt like a real star and performed for the cameras and two live audiences perfectly! But I also am very proud that within three weeks of being in NYC with Sam, I landed a national commercial for an eyewear company. It was my first time on set, and I got to work with a nine-year-old girl and by myself. My goal is to be on a long-running television show where I can have my own dressing room to decorate and bring all my toys. It will be a second home and I would love to be there each day.

How does it feel being able to work with each other on different projects? Who is the bigger diva?

TINKERBELLE: I enjoy working with my little sister Belle on set. It has been fun but sometimes she tries to upstage me! She can be annoying, but that is bound to happen with sisters. Somedays I want to be a star alone on a booking but then I miss my sister. So, it’s most fun being together because of how much I love her. But I am definitely the diva of the family. She is in training to be a diva, but I am “it” for sure and everyone knows it!

BELLE: My first experience with a booking was alone and it was great! I missed my sister but told her all about it when I got home. Since then, I have worked both alone and with her. I love to work with Tinkerbelle because then I don’t have to tell her everything that happened. So, when we work together, she is in charge and definitely the diva! Everyone knows my sister is more diva than me, it’s a known fact!

If you could work with another celebrity on a project, who would it be and why?

TINKERBELLE: Well, if you know me, you know my idol is Anna Wintour. Since my puppy days, she has been my role model and true inspiration. A true fashionista! This is the one person that I would love to meet. I know that it will happen one day, maybe even at the Met Gala, and I will be ready. I want to share fashion tips and find out some of her secrets too! I would convince her that we need to create a new magazine called “Anna & Tinkerbelle Take NYC”. It will be all about our diva and fashion lifestyles.

BELLE: Since I just made my SNL debut, I would love to meet Tina Fey. My sister met her already and she was so nice! But I have big plans, I want to meet Tina and tell her all about how she should write and create a brandnew show about me and starring me! I just know that it would be a huge hit! Tina could even be my human in the show. I think the show should be called “Baby Belle’s World”.

What upcoming projects are you two working on?

TINKERBELLE & BELLE: We have some exciting things in the work, but we pawtographed NDA’s so we can not disclose much. But we will say that everything in the works will be so exciting and fun for all. Stay tuned...we are very excited!