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Favorite hotel: I love the Adare Manor Hotel in County Limerick, Ireland.

Must-haves when traveling: Headphones, adaptors, Chapstick and moisturizer.

Favorite charity: Danny & Ron’s Rescue (of course). I was very lucky to rescue my dog Clover 11 years ago.

Favorite horses you’ve ridden: I’m very lucky that I have a few favorites: Kachina, Rincoola Milsean, Promised Land, Edocenta. There’s a lot!

favorite event is the Dublin Horse Show.

Favorite source for fashion: I do a lot of online shopping. At WEF, I like Turner and Hunt Ltd. For riding clothes, Dada is my current favorite.

If you weren’t an equestrian you might have been: event planner. I’m overly organized

Favorite restaurants: Renato’s in Palm Beach, Florida, and Mei Wah in Eindhoven, Netherlands.