1 minute read

CASE STUDY 14 // 16

New detached dwelling


Project Outline

The site is in the heart of the Conservation Area and comprised an underutilised back land location. Despite receiving positive feedback from the Council’s Conservation Officer at Pre-application stage regarding the proposed design, the Council ultimately refused the application due to the impact from perimeter trees.

It became clear during the application that the Council’s Tree Officer did not visit the site which called into question the objection put forward in the Council’s decision notice. Working closely with David Archer Associates who provided specialist Arboricultural evidence, the subsequent appeal was allowed. The Inspector chosen to determine the appeal complimented the design rationale and acknowledged that while the site is not substantial, the house would sit comfortably within the plot and have sufficient space around it.

Our Involvement

Planning & Architecture.

Preferred Partner Involvement

David Archer Associates (Arboriculture)


Walton is an attractive village with a range of differing characters. The ‘Arts and Crafts’ design of the project reflects much of the surrounding development and therefore complements the area well. Especially with the overhanging jetty of the first floor and combination of brick and clay tile on the elevation.