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Current initiatives and activities
The Purpose Built Communities Model
The Purpose Built Communities (PBC) vision guides neighborhood revitalization by creating pathways out of poverty for the lowest-income residents, and building strong, economically diverse communities. This national model was pioneered in the mid1990s after the successful transformation of the East Lake neighborhood in Atlanta. By applying that holistic model to other areas of concentrated urban poverty around the nation, Purpose Built Communities is helping local leaders make a positive impact in some of this country’s most distressed neighborhoods.
Teaming Together for Change
The proverb, “it takes a village” could not be more truly applied than in the environment of urban revitalization initiatives. It is a monumental endeavor to implement holistic change in disadvantaged communities, and it requires expertise from all walks of life. Purpose Built Communities has brought together some of the brightest minds to seek out meaningful change in our neighborhoods and cities. Entrenched poverty is often tied to a place; if we can transform the place, we will improve lives. Purpose Built Communities works to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty by helping local leaders transform struggling neighborhoods, and bringing together the vital components necessary for holistic community revitalization: high quality mixed-income housing, an effective cradle-to-college education pipeline, and comprehensive community wellness resources, organized and driven by a single purpose non-profit community quarterback.
Defined Neighborhood
A focus on defined neighborhoods where transformative programs and infrastructure can be established is key; if we can change the place, we can change outcomes for the people who live there. Riverside and the Northeast Wilmington community make up that defined place.
Community Quarterback
The PBC model requires the Community Quarterback to work closely with neighborhood residents to engage their expertise and address their needs and concerns. The establishment of a single purpose non-profit Community Quarterback is the most critical component of a successful Purpose Built Communities revitalization initiative. Our holistic model requires collaboration and cooperation under the leadership of a strong, visionary leadership team capable of bringing diverse entities together to work effectively towards a common goal. REACH Riverside is well-positioned as the Community Quarterback working with the community to realize the community’s vision for the future. The Community Quarterback must also build strong partnerships with public and private stakeholders and investors including local housing authorities and school boards, developers, non-profits, philanthropic individuals and organizations, and elected officials.
• A Difference-Making Leader.
• The Community Quarterback is the Purpose Built Communities difference, charged with:
• Driving the revitalization initiative to make sure the housing, education, and community wellness components are successful and sustainable.
• Ensuring the people in the targeted neighborhood are engaged, included, and served.
• Braiding a sustainable funding stream of public and private resources.
• Serving as a single point of accountability for partners and funders.
Mixed-Income Housing
Mixed-income neighborhoods provide the opportunity for people from different backgrounds to become neighbors and friends, sharing pride in their community and an enhanced quality of life. An environment that provides solid construction and practical amenities surrounded by safe walkways and streets transforms the way residents view themselves and their neighborhood. When fear and desperation are replaced with hope, pride, and possibility, you build more than a new home. You build a new way of life.