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Leo Dey was born and raised in India to parents from diverse and different backgrounds, Leo Dey comes from a unique blend of musical traditions and cultures. His father is an accomplished Bengali Folk singer in the lineage of traditional Indian heritage. His mother’s origins are from Native American tribes and Colombian roots in Latin music. Growing up in a truly versatile artistic family, Leo has been a gifted musician from the very start. He began his formal training in Indian Classical Music at a young age. His singing has been described by his teachers as having the “causeless mercy of Mother Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge”.

Leo is also taking two special classes: Voice & breath workshop. The five techniques used to extend and balance breathe while producing sound. This workshop is designed to develop in the participants’ self-confidence in voice articulation; improved speech enunciation; enhanced ability for public speaking; voice modulation; singing with a wider range, pitch control and ear training,


Meditations with Drupad raga. This Dhrupad guided meditation will be a deep exploration of the inner world and source of sensory experience through pranayama, awareness practice and sound. We start by shortly preparing body and mind to soften and be receptive for more subtle states and take you on a journey into the Heart.

Vibha Selvaratnam trained in Bharatanatyam from a very early age from her mother Kiran Ratna. Her outstanding talent has propelled her onto the international dance scene. She is regularly invited to perform at the NADA Nrityotsava at the VRC Academy of Music & Dance in India as well as performing throughout the UK. She has been highly praised for the choreographic innovation shown in her works such as Nayika and experimental collaborations with The Fusion Project. Vibha has co-choreographed and performed in many productions with India Dance Wales, most recently taking the lead role in the dance drama “Shakuntala”. She heads India Dance South West (a branch of India Dance Wales est. in 1993) and continues to choreograph and perform regularly and is involved with collaborations to explore her art form further.