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Jenny Lye began practising yoga in Sri Lanka before deciding to teach in the United Kingdom in 2012. Her primary training was in Sivananda Yoga, which is a holistic approach to Hatha Yoga, and she went on to learn various other styles of yoga. Jenny has been practising yoga for more than 25 years. Her teaching methods include breathing techniques, yoga postures, and deep relaxation to get you ready to face the day with a positive attitude. Jenny not only teaches various styles of yoga, but she also runs Family Fun Yoga classes, workshops, and yoga retreats.


Sumit Manav is a renowned Yoga Guru from India. Through the understanding of the current lifestyle trend across all age groups, he has created a fusion of ancient and modern Yoga practices to help cure many of today’s lifestyle ailments. Sumit’s journey began from a North Indian town in Uttar Pradesh, from where he then proceeded to the Himalayas, the home of pure Yoga, and studied under the guidance of his Guru Shreeram Sharma Acharya. During his four-years training, he interacted with the mystics and it was this experience that brought him closer to understanding the physiology and psychology of the human body.

Sivananda Yoga. Sivananda Yoga is a Holistic approach to Hatha Yoga. The approach is based on the five points of yoga, which are proper exercise (asana), proper breathing (pranayama), proper relaxation (Savasana), proper diet and positive thinking (Vedanta), and meditation (Dhyana). There are 12 basic sequences to stretch and tone the entire body before deep relaxation; variations are then added to further deepen your practise.

Yoga Alignment & Chakra Awakening

A transformative journey to experience a harmonious blend of physical alignment and energetic balance, to maximize the benefits of each yoga pose. Discover a renewed sense of well-being through ‘beej mantra’ chanting to awaken your chakras within your body, to tap a deeper sense of vitality and connection.

Yin Yoga & Ashtanga Philosophy Masterclass. This class welcomes practitioners of all levels, offering a sanctuary for personal growth and transformation. Come and embrace the soothing essence of Yin Yoga, the wisdom of Patanjali’s Ashtanga philosophy, and the power of Pranayama.

Shakti Caterina Maggi has been sharing the non dual message of awakening since 2003 to thousands of students from all over the world. Her approach, in the vein of the precious tradition of Advaita Vedanta and Shaivism, offers, in a contemporary framework, an inner technology for dissolving the contraction of suffering that generally accompanies the human condition and seems to stop the recognition of the unlimited Being at our essence. Her invitation is to come to the space of inner peace and unconditional love which resides at the heart of us all.

Awakening to the Heart. Resting in the Heart, through all the challenges of our everyday life, is the path to consciously embodying the non-dual message. The Heart is the core of our non-dual essence, it is the abode of Consciousness itself. While the mind sees opposites and polarities, dividing the world in two, the Heart recognizes itself everywhere. In the Heart all conflict can be dissolved, reconnecting us to this higher reality in which all illusion of separation of separation is transcended.

Jyoti Jo Manuel is the founder of Special Yoga. For the last 25 years she has implemented and shared sustainable therapeutic yoga programmes and trainings for children with special and additional needs globally. Jyoti is a spiritual leader, setting the standard for a positive, heart-led and compassionate approach towards teaching yoga to children and young people.

Family Yoga. Jyoti will be teaching this session for the whole family in the Children’s Tent as well as leading a general yoga session.