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Marc J Acquaviva has been changing people’s lives since 2001 with his uniquely transformational take on the ’Scaravelli-inspired’ approach to Yoga practice.. He has been passionate about yoga since his early childhood. From 1991 he has been studying and practicing exclusively with people that have worked directly with Vanda Scaravelli, such as Diane Long and Sophy Hoare, as well as with highly respected osteopaths and anatomists Pete Blackaby and John Stirk to deepen his practical understanding of the body.


Scaravelli-inspired yoga. Return to a state of innocent exploration of the physical. You can expect to be guided through a direct exploration of the quality of your own contact with the Earth. And you will be encouraged to explore how you relate to and engage with the space you occupy, through the breath and through its release. The result for people is always something new - a new freedom, a new strength, a bigger picture simplicity.

Ram Banerjee is a Meditation and Vedanta teacher from the Arsha Vidya tradition who, since 2010, has run a weekly meditation and Advaita Vedanta group. Under the influence of Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Ram started to study the Vedic teachings in depth. Recognising his ability to acquire and convey knowledge as well as achievements to date, Ram was honoured in July 2018 with the title of Arsha Vidya Yogashree by Swami Santatmananda, the resident head of teaching at the Swami Dayananda Ashram in Rishikesh, India.

Practical Guide to Vēdantā. If you have always wanted to know more about Vēdantā, but did not know where to start, this practical guide on this ancient, fascinating and life-changing knowledge will provide you with the wisdom to understand the following sentence: “Your life is a series of experiences with apparent, non-substantial objects consisting of words, forms and concepts, put together by a seemingly existent yet incomprehensible force and witnessed by the all-pervading Self, called Brahman that can never be known.”

Sandra Barnes is a free spirited yogini, originally from Argentina. She offers a unique earthy style and her soothing accent, voice and words from the heart cannot be forgotten. Creating and holding space for others through workshops, classes, retreats and ceremonies, you can often find her sharing alongside her daughter Sofia who follows in her footsteps. Together they birthed Love All Ways Yoga with the belief in the medicine and power of gathering in togetherness with like minded souls to open and receive loving energy.

Yoga asana practice, nidra and sound journey. Goddess chakra flow. Nurturing nidra and sound journey. Cacao ceremony with elemental dance. Partner Mandala flow – an interactive practice which gets people connecting and emotions flowing.