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Jon Powell started his yoga journey in order to support his autistic son. It was recommended that he attend yoga classes; however, none were available locally that could meet his needs and so Jon decided to qualify to help his son himself! Jon completed reflex yoga teacher training in 2020 with ‘Yotism’ - a method which combines traditional hatha yoga with reflex therapy.

Yotism Yoga. This approach is suitable for all ages and abilities, and is particularly beneficial to those on the autistic spectrum. Jon will be teaching Yotism Yoga in the Children’s Tent.


Vaishali Raithatha is a professional storyteller certified from Kathlaya’s International Academy of Storytelling and a certified Yoga teacher trained and certified from Atmayogashala Chennai (accredited by Yoga alliance International). She works with children in schools and adults in the area of storytelling and Yoga based in Berkshire.

Storytelling sessions.

Sarah Salmon offers light hearted and playful mindfulness sessions, intuitively weaving together movement, breath, sensory and self awareness games and practices. The emphasis is on embodiment, grounding and relaxation for wellbeing. Having felt the benefits of yoga and meditation since her teens, Sarah has been facilitating sessions for others since 2013 after observing how these practices helped her own children through some challenging years. She is currently enjoying facilitating in a primary school Autism unit and privately one-to-one through Brilliant Beings.

Mindful Makes. Playful activities to help us focus our attention in the present moment through our bodies, breath and the environment around us. Sarah will be teaching Mindfulness sessions in the Family Area.

Lizzie Stroud is a qualified Primary School Teacher. She is passionate about nurturing children’s well-being and in 2021 qualified as a children’s yoga and mindfulness teacher facilitated by YogaBeez school (accredited by Yoga Alliance International). Lizzie captivates the children’s curiosity through themes, songs, stories and games, enhancing the connection between mind and body.