2 minute read

Joanne’s Desk

In 2021, so many amazing things are in line to happen and I can’t wait to experience the adventure God has for me and Woman To Woman With Joanne.

Happy New Year and welcome to 2021!


2020 was something wasn’t it? For some it brought sorrow because they lost loved ones to a pandemic that is absolutely still among us today. Some people lost their jobs, some had business that started to flourish, some people lost their homes, and some suffered from depression and anxiety fearing the uncertainty of what their future may hold.

In my own life, 2020 brought many changes, changes I have not wanted to talk about or shed a light on because of shame and embarrassment. In May 2020, I suffered a divorce after only being married for one year. This has been one of the hardest and most embarrassing things for me to say and admit to. I worried about what people would say or think of me, and I just didn’t feel like dealing with it or talking about it. It changed me and pushed me into a depression that I didn’t know that I was in. I still got up, I went to work, I cooked, I ate, but I just felt like I was going through the motions on so many things.

Through all of that, God has shown Himself faithful. His grace and mercy has kept me and us and protected us. In 2020 I started a Reading The Bible With Joanne study on Facebook live on Monday’s and Friday’s at 10pm, and I started a talk show that I had been wanting to do for years. God made a way for me to do it and He is continuing to provide.

I, as well as others, could go on and on about the bad things that happened in 2020, but why? The most important thing I took from 2020 and brought over to 2021 is that God is still in charge and He is the only one true and living God. There is none other beside Him! None.

I have had to choose every day to get up and fight and do the things I feel God is leading me to do. I still fall short and miss the mark, but in the end, I look to God and I trust Him through it all. He will keep me in perfect peace if I keep my mind stayed on Him. I’m standing on that.

In 2021, so many amazing things are in line to happen and I can’t wait to experience the adventure God has for me and Woman To Woman With Joanne. Thank you all so much for your support throughout the years. It means more than you know.

Love ya much!


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