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Foreword Organizing Committee

Welcome to the 7th WoCoVA!

After years of restrictions, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Global Vascular Access Network (GloVANet) welcomes you to Athens for the 7th World Congress on Vascular Access. It is great that we will be able to network again face to face and share knowledge towards improving vascular access for patients worldwide.

In this 3-day high quality program you will be able to update your knowledge on vascular access research & innovations and meet experts from all over the world. Next to renowned vascular access experts, we offer oral and poster abstract presentations from upcoming scientists.

On behalf of the Scientific Committee, the WoCoVA organizational team and the Athens University, I wish you a great learning experience in Athens.

Ton van Boxtel, RN, MSc, PAN CEO and president of WoCoVA and GloVANet