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Did You Know

Did you know that …

… spinal cord injury patients can have sex?


While many things change for people with spinal cord injuries, having a fulflling sex life is still possible.

Aspinal cord injury has farreaching consequences. The body no longer functions as it used to, which inevitably changes sex life. Women sufering from spinal cord injuries may no longer experience any or only partial bodily sensations from their level of injury down, but sexual intercourse – albeit in a different manner – is possible nevertheless. The same applies to pregnancy.

Men affected face different challenges. They, too, no longer feel their body in the same way. Depending on the level and severity of their injury, both erectile and ejaculatory abilities are limited. This means that men suffering from spinal cord injuries are usually no longer able to engage in spontaneous sexual intercourse. They are dependent on a wide range of therapeutic aids and medication (such as Viagra). Moreover, sperm viability decreases several months after the injury, resulting in limited fertility. These inhibiting circumstances can cause massive psychological stress.

Given these new experiences – including a diferent body image and sexuality – those affected require people they can trust, who are prepared to approach this taboo topic seriously and without bias. While many things change for people with spinal cord injuries, having a fulflling sex life is still possible.