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Choosing the right tree

Blue spruce

Picea pungens


This is a popular garden conifer from western North America, this spruce is now increasing in popularity as a Christmas tree because of its attractive blue-green foliage.

It also has a strong citrus scent, but the plus points are weighted against some very prickly needles, which are hard to pick up.

If container-grown this makes a beautiful garden adornment.

Fraser fir

Abies fraseri

A little pricey, because of the time it takes to grow, but as with other firs, it has strong needle-holding ability.

Dense foliage when young, with strong branches – hence good for decorating – and a slimmer conical shape means that it fits well in smaller spaces.

Dark silvery-green leaves are shortish and needle-like but soft, and have a pleasant fragrance a little like turps.

Noble fir

Abies procera

The noble fir is a popular Christmas tree , with more open foliage and needle-like but blunttipped leaves, making it good for decorating.

The tree also keeps its needles well, has a lovely fragrance and an upswept, conical, symmetrical shape.

A lush, glaucous-green in colour. Has a very long tap root because of this does not grow well in pots

Norway spruce

Picea abies

This is known as the original Christmas tree . Has a mid-green, delicate foliage, with a really ‘Christmassy’ fragrance.

The bushy, conical shape creates an attractive, sought-after silhouette but needle retention is not so good.

Nordman fir

Abies nordmanniana

A popular Christmas tree of dark green, soft foliage, with long, flattened needles. It’s known for its strong needle retention and the symmetry of its shape, but can be expensive as it takes twice as long to grow as a spruce. Leaves have a citrus scent when crushed.

Serbian spruce

Picea omorika

One of the newer trees, the Serbian or omorika spruce has dark green colouring and a slimmer, more graceful conical shape than other trees.

The leaves are flattened needles with silver undersides and do not hold wonderfully well, but are soft and bear a pleasant, strong fragrance. Branches are well spaced, which makes decorating easy.