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Exam Board – Cambridge

What can I expect from this subject?

“History gives answers only to those who know how to ask ques9ons” – Hajo Holborn. Other subjects teach you the answers, iGCSE history teaches you to ask the ques9ons. It enables you to learn lessons from the past so that we can understand the present and improve the future. You will develop skills such as analysing informa9on, forming substan9ated judgements, evalua9ng sources of informa9on, and assessing the significance of specific events or individuals. The following units are looked at under the Cambridge iGCSE specifica9on:

1. Core content: Interna9onal Rela9ons since 1919 (specifically looking at the events a^er WWI, the collapse of peace, the Cold War and events in the Gulf). 2. Depth Study: Germany 1918-1945.

The iGCSE consists of 2 exam papers worth 73% sat in the summer of year 11, and coursework worth 27%

What can I do to prepare for this course?

1. Read and research from a range of different sources: leeers, historical novels, newspapers, historical documentaries. 2. Develop an inquisi9ve mind: ask ques9ons about the events in the news and the people around you.

What will my next steps be?

The skills that are developed throughout GCSE History are highly valued beyond school life and this is why history is specifically highlighted by the Russell Group universi9es as one of a handful of subjects that ‘open a wide range of op9ons.’ As such, the analy9cal and cri9cal reasoning that studying history helps you develop and can help open doors to careers such as law, forensic medicine, journalism or a future in poli9cs.