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ART AND DESIGN (Textile Design

Exam Board – AQA

What can I expect from this subject?

Tex9le Design is part of an Art and Design course which focuses on the crea9on of designs and products for woven, knieed, s9tched or printed fabrics and involves an understanding of fibres, yarns and fabrics. Pupils will explore and develop skills in one or more of the prac9cal Tex9les Design processes and techniques: weaving, surface prin9ng, paeern making, paeern curng, embroidery (machine or hand), knirng, ba9k, appliqué and collage. They will also examine relevant sources such as the work of historical and contemporary tex9le designers. The course is assessed via two main components:

1. Component 1: A porqolio of prac9cal work worth 60%. 2. Component 2: An externally set task in which pupils respond to one of five themes and includes 10 supervised hours.

What can I do to prepare for this course?

1. Read and research around the subject, for example, reading cra^ and fashion magazines, following art, tex9le and fashion blogs and galleries online e.g. The Fashion and Tex9les Museum, The V&A. 2. Prac9ce skills in different types of tex9les design, including learning how to use a sewing machine. 3. Visit exhibi9ons, such as at the V&A museum in London or aeend an introductory course in a type of tex9les design, such as at the Brewery Arts Centre.

What will my next steps be?

Tex9le Design GCSE is a solid founda9on for studying A-level Art and Design or A-level Tex9les and Fashion. It could also lead to further study at university and a range of careers including: fashion design, costume design, fashion buying, fashion marke9ng, jewellery making, print design, interior design, stylists, fashion journalism and clothing technologists.