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Exam Board – AQA

What can I expect from this subject?

GCSE Art and Design allows pupils to think crea9vely and to produce work which will develop skills and challenge their thinking. This subject s9mulates curiosity and enables pupils to make comments about the world around us. Throughout the two-year course, pupils will produce a porqolio of work which includes a personal project which counts for 60% of the GCSE. During the course pupils will visit Na9onal galleries, exhibi9ons and take part in workshop, enabling them to produce a variety of exci9ng work. The other 40% of the GCSE is a 10-hour examina9on, which takes place in the March or April of the GCSE year.

What can I do to prepare for this course?

1. Draw as o^en as possible, even doodling will help develop skills as an ar9st. 2. Become familiar with an SLR camera and its func9ons. 3. Take photographs of everything, thinking about composi9ons and viewpoints. 4. Join one of the art ac9vi9es at lunch9me and a^er school. 5. Visit exhibi9ons and galleries whenever possible

What will my next steps be?

Art provides a good balance with other subjects and allows the ability to work independently in the studio or coopera9vely with peers. Many of our pupils go on to Art Founda9on or University as the Crea9ve Industries in the second largest in the UK, so offers an exci9ng range of career opportuni9es. Almost everything around us started life in a design studio. Even if an art route is not pursued, most employers are looking for crea9ve and innova9ve employees, who are able to think crea9vely.