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Benefits Bone



However, research also suggests it’s an invaluable dietary component for man’s best friend. According to experts, bone broth is a perfect addition to any dog’s diet; it is incredibly nutrient dense and has been seen to support dogs who are transitioning to raw feeding, recovering from injuries and illness, joint issues, or suffering from digestive ailments. Meanwhile, bone broth is a great source of sustenance for picky eaters.

For Westies in particular, bone broth can truly be transformative, helping to ease allergy and intolerance symptoms such as itchy skin and digestive issues. Although, its benefits are often underestimated. My name is Anna Bain, and I am a dog nutrition specialist at ProDog Raw; to help you better understand bone broth’s many benefits, I’m sharing some ways this diet-enriching food can support your dog’s health and happiness.

Bone broth is made from the bones and connective tissues of animals, creating a nutrientdense stock that supports dogs’ wellbeing in an abundance of ways. You can make bone broth using bones from almost any animal; however, when it comes to dogs, chicken, beef, and lamb options are ideal, whilst pork, turkey, venison, and fish can also be used. Bone broth truly is a superfood powerhouse for your dog.

If your dog is feeling a little under the weather or struggles with gut imbalances, skin irritations, or even joint mobility issues, then bone broth is a perfect addition to their regular diet. It contains various properties, including collagen, glycine, glycosaminoglycans, magnesium, and calcium, which support the following areas of dogs’ wellbeing, to name just a few: 1


Glycosaminoglycans are molecules found in all connective tissues that help to keep our joints healthy. Hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, and chondroitin are the most common forms of this.

Bone broth also contains calcium, magnesium, and several amino acids which support joint mobility and a healthy inflammatory response. It is fast becoming a go-to remedy for professional athletes following an injury and a popular form of preventative joint care for this very reason. Fortunately, our canine friends are no different and reap the same rewards; bone broth will protect and lubricate their joints, even helping to reduce symptoms associated with arthritis. 2


The liver is the master organ of the body, in charge of eliminating toxins from your system – a process known as detoxification. The liver relies on the availability of an amino acid called glycine to operate efficiently, and, unsurprisingly, this is found in bone broth.

Your dog’s liver works tirelessly every day to process the toxins their body absorbs from the environment, cleaning products, treatments on carpets and upholstery, processed foods, flea and worming treatments, pharmaceutical medicines, and so much more. As such, the liver can become overloaded, with bone broth offering invaluable support.



The kidneys are responsible for removing toxins and waste from the body, whilst filtering nutrients and controlling fluid levels. Bone broths are fortunately exceptionally hydrating for dogs, and full of electrolytes, therefore supporting kidney health by minimising the demands placed on them.

In addition, select herbs can act as diuretics and be added to bone broth. For example, ProDog Raw’s dandelion and nettle-infused bone broth for dogs provides extra nutritional support for the kidneys and their detoxing process.



It’s no secret that gut health is of optimum importance to overall health. An unhealthy gut can lead to poor nutrient absorption and an imbalanced immune response, in turn leading to systemic inflammation in the body and various other health conditions.

Gut imbalance is the root of many health issues in both humans and dogs. Imbalanced gut flora and damage to the lining of the gut can occur through stress, poor diet, and certain medications, amongst other things. The result is a compromised gut environment which can lead to allergies, digestive upset, skin conditions, joint mobility issues, and more.

Rebalancing the gut is an important first step in improving overall health, and bone broth is a fantastic aid for this. Bone broth is a tonic for the digestive system because it contains collagen, which forms gelatin when cooked down. Gelatin contains amino acids such as glutamine, which works to strengthen the integrity of the gut lining, promoting a healthy gut environment that can resume functionality to support whole-body health.

If you’re a Westie owner with any of these concerns regarding your dog’s health, or simply want to ensure they’re enjoying all of the nutrients they need as part of a rich, healthy diet, then bone broths are certainly worth considering.

Fortunately, bone broth isn’t difficult to make. You will need 1-2kg of bones (chicken, beef, pork, venison, fish, or turkey), 1-2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar, and water –that’s it. Place all of your ingredients in a pot or slow cooker, cover them with water and a splash of apple cider vinegar to draw out minerals, bring to a boil, reduce to simmer, and cook for 12-24 hours. Then, cool the mixture, remove the fat floating on top, strain any solids from the broth, and it will be ready for your dog to enjoy. Although, it is important to note that you should only refrigerate bone broth for approximately three days; otherwise, freeze and defrost as needed. www.cotswoldraw.com

For more information about the benefits of bone broths and to see ProDog’s range of carefully created, pre-made, nutritionally balanced bone broths, visit https://www.prodograw.com/shop/bone-broths/.