5 minute read


by Alyssa Bauman, Nourished.ca

Winter is coming and it seems as though this winter is going to be an even cozier one as we huddle up and hunker down at home. Grab those blankets, light the fire, have a couple puzzles on hand, and warm up with these classic comfort foods that you can transform into healthier meals with a few simple swaps.



Love the cheesy flavour, but not so much the cheese? Me too. That’s why I love this dairy-free pasta. It is creamy, rich and luxurious, and packs in a huge nutrient punch. It is easy to make, nutrient rich and can be done pretty quickly using everyday pantry essentials. Cashews blend easily into a velvety sauce adding layers of flavour and satisfaction, not to mention healthy fats. I like this sauce with gluten-free rigatoni or chickpea shell pastas, but really any pasta will work. Serve it with a huge green salad. Sunflower seeds work just as well if there is a food allergy in your home.


1 cup olive oil 6-8 cups cherry tomatoes, halved 2 red peppers, sliced thinly 4 cloves garlic (sliced) 1 cup cashews (soaked for at least 15 minutes) 1 cup fresh basil, ripped 2 tbsp nutritional yeast 2 tsp sea salt 2 large roasted red peppers (from a glass jar - different than tomato mixture above) 1/2 cup basil, torn 1 package gluten-free pasta


1. Coat tomatoes and peppers with olive oil, half the garlic and salt. Mix well and sauté 30 or so minutes until tomatoes and peppers are blistering and watering. Set to low. 2. Drain cashews. Ditch the water. 3. In a large pot, salt water and boil for pasta. Once boiled, add pasta. 4. Add cashews, roasted (jarred) red peppers, remaining garlic, nutritional yeast, salt, 1/3 cup water and rest of olive oil to blender and blend until smooth. 5. Once pasta is done, drain but make sure to reserve a lil bit of pasta water. 6. Add pasta back to the pot. Add tomatoes and peppers, salt, pepper and pour sauce slowly just to coat, but not too much. If you want more, you can always add later. 7. Add basil and mix. Salt and pepper to taste. 8. If the sauce is too thick, add a bit of pasta water until desired consistency.(Leftover sauce can be easily frozen to use again)


This is definitely a popular one for the kids, and this gluten-free, high fibre, high protein meal will please the parents too. It makes an easy grab-and-go dinner on nights when you are pressed for time. But when you do have space, do yourself a favour and double the recipe and freeze. These are great basics to have on hand. Serve with cut-up veggies!


4 organic chicken breasts skinless and boneless, sliced in three inch long tenders Salt and pepper 1/2 tsp garlic powder 1/4 tsp paprika 2 cups cooked quinoa, cooled 1/2 cups bread crumbs gluten free, like Mary's or brown rice crumbs 1/4 cups ground chia 2 eggs 2 tbsp olive oil


1. Preheat oven to 350F. 2. Spread out the quinoa on a piece of wax paper or aluminum foil. 3. Mix chia and gluten free crumbs together and then spread over the quinoa. Squeeze together until the moisture of the quinoa is absorbed. 4. Place the eggs in a shallow bowl. 5. Sprinkle chicken with salt, garlic powder, pepper and paprika. 6. Dip the chicken in the egg and then into the quinoa mixture, turn over and coat. 7. Place onto a baking sheet. Brush with olive oil and bake at 350 until translucent thru and crispy, about 20 minutes.


This cheesy rendition of the mac and cheese classic cuts the cheese in half without sacrificing any of the satisfaction. We sub in nutrientdense nutritional yeast which is high in B-vitamins, folic acid, selenium, zinc, and protein and it is gluten-free (check specific brands for certification) and contains no added sugars or preservatives. And is it ever tasty, cheesy and savoury. This dish oozes not only in flavour, but also in nutrients. Any type of pasta works in this dish.


1 package multigrain elbow pasta. 1 head cauliflower finely chopped 2 cups brown rice crumbs 2 tbsp ground chia 1/2 cups parsley chopped 3 tbsp olive oil 1/2 cups nutritional yeast (I like Red Star brand) 1 onion chopped 1 cup sharp cheddar grated 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt or plain unsweetened almond milk yogurt 1/2 cups unsweetened plant milk 1 tbsp dijon mustard Salt and pepper


1. Heat oven to 400° F. 2. Cook the pasta according to the package. Add the cauliflower for the last 3 minutes of cooking; drain and set aside. 3. Mix together brown rice crumbs, chia, parsley, 2 tablespoons of the oil, salt and pepper. 4. In the same pasta pot add the remaining tablespoon of oil. Add the onion, salt and pepper until soft, 3 minutes. 5. Mix in the pasta and cauliflower. Add the cheese, nutritional yeast, yogurt, milk and mustard. 6. Transfer to a shallow 3-quart baking dish, sprinkle with the crumb mixture, and bake until golden brown, 12-15 minutes.


A to B is a nutrition methodology developed by certified holistic nutritionist, Alyssa Bauman. Fascinated by how food effects the body, and the body ’ s marvelous ability to heal and care for itself when fueled properly, Alyssa is dedicated to helping people learn healthy nutrition habits that set them up You have to make change for a lifetime of wellness. to see change