1 minute read

A well-deserved honor to Steve and Elaine Masket and the Zaro Family.


With deep admiration to Elaine and Steve Masket, and the entire Masket family, for their devoted commitment to The Arc Westchester. We are privileged to work alongside you in support of our mission.



Our sincere thanks to Zaro’s Family Bakery who fosters independence and diversity in their company. You make a difference in so many lives.


Your friends at The Arc Westchester Foundation & The Arc Westchester’s Community Engagement & Communications Department

To my dear friends Elaine and SteveCongratulations on this well-deserved honor. I am beyond thrilled to be able to spend this special night with you, Will and Alex.

The Arc community has been the recipient of your many talents ...determination, vision and intellect.

Without knowing it, you have created the “Masket Standard” for commitment to the Arc community.

You are an inspiration to the entire community. You have touched so many lives in both big and small ways.

I hope you will look around the room and see the many people who are here tonight to honor you — your many acts of kindness extend well beyond the Arc community. You are loved...

Mazal Tov!

With love and admiration, SARI

To the Maskets–

In celebration of all you do for The Arc Westchester

To The Arc–

In appreciation for all you do for Alex and so many others

With Love,