2 minute read

From our Patron Wayne Norwood

To the team at Wellington Free Ambulance, thank you. Thank you for continuing your vital mahi despite the challenging times COVID-19 continues to bring for us. I am proud to be the chief supporter of the team of people who continue to go above and beyond saving lives every day. The feedback from patients (pg 5), and the number of people we’ve collectively supported over these 12 months, are testament that quality care for anyone in need remains the number one priority at Wellington Free Ambulance. My thanks to Dame Kerry and the Board for their support and continued commitment to the organisation. Thank you also to the Senior Leadership team for their support as we ingrain these changes as part of an ongoing process of ensuring Wellington Free Ambulance is here for the community for another 95 years. To everyone who donates to and supports Wellington Free Ambulance, please know that we would not have been able to be here for almost 53,000 people free of charge without your support. Thank you for keeping us uniquely free.

Nātōrourou, nātakurourouka oraai te iwi. With your basket and my basket, the people will thrive.


a message from the Patron - wayne norwood

As the grandson of Wellington Free Ambulance’s founder, Sir Charles Norwood, I am extremely proud of the way Wellington Free Ambulance continues to provide quality care to people in need, free of charge.

In 1927, my grandfather was motivated to launch an ambulance service that was free to any person needing help. This ethos of free access to any medical care is the foundation this organisation was built on. Since Wellington Free Ambulance’s inception 95 years ago, these values remain strong to this very day. Being able to carry on my grandfather’s legacy, to stand behind a team that embody the values of his vision and to be a part of Wellington Free Ambulance’s lifesaving work, is a humbling experience. I couldn’t be more thrilled to accept the role of Patron in 2021 and support this organisation in 2022 where we acknowledge 95 years of service to the community. We may be a smaller ambulance service, but the feats that Wellington Free Ambulance has achieved are significant and well respected in the industry. The Norwood family will continue to advocate for Wellington Free Ambulance’s lifesaving work with love and pride. In 2021, my granddaughters took part in Onesie Day for the first time because they believe what four generations of our family believed in – making sure Wellington Free Ambulance is always there for all. For five generations the Norwood Family have been connected to this important cause and I look forward to doing everything I can to support the amazing people working for Wellington Free Ambulance, and their lifesaving actions that help the people in our region. I am constantly amazed by the skill and dedication they bring to the organisation. The last two years have been extremely difficult and yet the drive to assist those in need has never faulted.