1 minute read

Bodywork & Therapeutic Massage

Medical Massage

Diane Hovey, PhD, CAMTC #2923


Seeking an alternative path to relief from chronic pain? Your journey ends here. Diane Hovey, PhD, certified in Medical Massage (MM), Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), Visceral Massage, Chapman Points, and Scar Tissue Reduction, has the skill and training to help assist in speeding your recovery.

Location Fair Oaks

Phone 916-925-8200 | 916-965-6558

Also view pg 18, 21, 39, 65, 94

Email Diane@Transformational-Healing.net

Web Transformational-Healing.net

Joy Snipes, CMT, CST, MLD-C (CAMTC #92051)

Integrative Bodywork & Massage Therapy

I specialize in an integrative bodywork approach (craniosacral therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, myofascial release and Reiki), combining these modalities to facilitate the body’s natural healing process. I am a certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist with the Academy of Lymphatic Studies and have specialized training for post cosmetic surgery and mastectomy patients.

Location 2657 Portage Bay E. #6, Davis

Phone 530-219-2418

Web joysnipes.com

Slow Motion Myofascial Release Therapy

Sharon Fong, CAMTC #29931, Advanced MFR Therapist

Myofascial Release Therapy is a structural integrative bodywork used for the relief of chronic pain and tension. Musculoskeletal pain is: eliminated, tension reduced, and range of motion restored by applying gentle sustained pressure into fascial (connective tissue) restrictions. Each session tailored to your individual needs.

Mention WellBEing for $10 off 1st session.

Location 2616 La Mesa Way, Arden Area

Phone 916-955-0214

Email slowmotionmfr@att.net

Diane Hovey, PhD, CAMTC #2923

Diane, a gifted intuitive, skillfully blends her well-honed intuition with years of training in the healing arts; listening to your body through her gentle and compassionate touch, guiding it back to its natural healing rhythm. Inflammation and pain ease as your body cleanses itself from toxins stored in your tissues. Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, scleroderma, generalized pain, stress related problems, edema, and post-surgical swelling respond well to Diane‘s restorative care. Book your appointment when you schedule your surgery.

Location Fair Oaks

Phone 916-925-8200 | 916-965-6558

Email Diane@Transformational-Healing.net
