3 minute read

It’s not about motivation - It is about dedication

Over the years of working out, one of the questions I get asked the most is, “How do you always stay motivated?” The simplest answer would be that I’m NOT always motivated, but I am dedicated. I like to relate to my workouts as my self-care. I personally know that I am a better mom, wife, friend, and overall a better person when I am consistently working out. Exercise is so good for my mental health. It helps relieve stress, gives me some alone time, gives me a goal to work towards, and gives me a sense of accomplishment. Not to mention that physically, it’s making me stronger, healthier, and more comfortable in my skin.

There are several mornings when I wake up and don’t really feel like working out and some days that’s OK; I use it as a rest day. But on other days when there is no good excuse, I have to give myself a little pep talk. I think about the fact that I can skip this 30-minute workout to watch TV and get no reward for it or I could suck it up and do the workout while knowing that years down the road my body will thank me for the time I have put in now.

As a younger woman in my mid-30s I am able to run around with my kids, wrestle with them in the living room, and play baseball outside. Not only do we love doing that but I also plan to do that with grandkids someday. I know that if I can condition and strengthen my body now, that years down the road I will have better muscle mass and stronger bones to support me as I age.

So, the long answer to how I stay motivated and disciplined would be that I don’t only do it for my current self, I also do it for my future self. I do it for my kids, my husband, and all of my loved ones around me. I know that a simple workout and being active daily will put me in a better mood instantly and will also keep me healthier, happier, and capable longer over the years to come. By choosing to do something small for myself daily now, I know I am giving myself a better chance to be around for my family a lot longer. If you can’t find the motivation to take care of your body for yourself, do it for someone you love.

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