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Conduct & Discipline

Behavioral Expectations

All Webb School students are expected to respect their classmates and the mission of Webb School. Students will be challenged daily to understand their responsibilities as citizens in a community. Violations of these expectations and responsibilities have consequences, ranging from communication with a teacher or Dean of Students to suspension/expulsion from Webb.

The administrative response may include the following: • Official notice of misbehavior or violation of school rule

• A conversation with the Dean of Students and/or

Middle School Head

• Message/call to parents • Social restriction

• Detention

• Conference with parents • Suspensions of privileges to attend classes • Recommendation for expulsion from Webb

NOTE: If students believe they have been reprimanded unfairly, they should appeal as soon as possible. Students may appeal in a polite letter or in a meeting with the Dean of Students. The advisor may serve as a student’s advocate.

The school expressly reserves the right to expel, permanently, any student at any time at the discretion of the school, and to require forfeiture of tuition and fees in connection with any expulsion.

As noted in the overview, all members of the community are expected to share the sincere purpose of the school and to act individually to support the goals of the school. Inappropriate behavior by parents or guests of a student may result in disciplinary action, including the administrative responses set forth above.


Students may receive an official notice for minor violations of school rules (e.g., chewing gum) or the dress code. When students receive five (5) such notices, an appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. Notices continue to accumulate throughout each semester.

Behavior that generally violates the ethics and expectations of the Middle School (e.g., cutting in line, disrespectful behavior on the basketball court) may be assigned social restriction, which is the loss of free time during snack break or lunch. Students will be assigned a specific classroom in which to spend the allotted time.


Some misconduct may result in a student being detained after school. Supervised detentions are held from 3:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Students may be assigned a reflective activity to complete, after which, if time remains, students must sit in alert silence. No electronics are allowed during detention unless expressly assigned by the Dean of Students.


Suspension is assigned when students’ violation of school rules, the Honor Code, or Webb’s expectations of ethics and behavior reaches the point where they need time away from the school community. Students who are suspended from attending classes are expected to check every teacher’s course/digital assignments in order to remain aware of and current with assignments.

If work assigned is due for the day/s students return from suspension, that work is expected to be completed. If work is due during the day/s of suspension, students are expected to complete and turn it in upon return to campus. However, that work may receive reduced or no credit.

If students miss an assessment during the day/s of suspension, the teacher/s may expect students to complete it upon return; the teacher/s may give the assessment partial or no credit.


Expulsion is considered when students’ violation of school rules, the Honor Code, or Webb’s expectations of ethics and behavior is so egregious or frequent that it is necessary to consider whether students can continue to be a member of the Webb community. The decision to expel students is made in collaboration with the school leadership team.

Specific Guidelines

Students are expected to remain on campus during the school day. If leaving school early, students must sign out in the Middle School Office.

The following are not permitted: • Going to the following places without a teacher: ropes course, pond area, construction areas, faculty lounge and workroom, track, Lower School playgrounds, Upper School Café • Vandalizing or damaging the school’s property • Electronics and such equipment deemed to distract from educational purposes. NOTE: Some electronic equipment (iPads, for example) may be allowed in classes.

• Verbal or physical abuse of humans or animals • Sexual harassment

• Threatening, bullying, or harassment on campus or online

• Dangerous or volatile materials, including, but not limited to: lighters, matches, laser pens, knives, weapons, firecrackers, explosive devices, guns, bullets, or realistic imitations of such

• Possessing or using tobacco products, alcohol, illegal drugs • Profanity or gambling

Cell Phones, Apple Watches & Other Technology

Cell phones must remain OFF and left in the advisor’s room in the caddy provided from the time the student enters campus until departure from campus. Cell phones should not be turned ON unless a student is waiting in the dismissal line and needs to communicate about pickup arrangements.

Students arriving late may leave their phones in the Middle School Office, with the Head of Middle School, or with the Dean of Students.

Apple or other smart watches are discouraged. If students wish to wear such a device, it must be set to “airplane mode” and used only as a watch during the school day.

Phones and other personal devices are the students’ own responsibility and are brought to school at their own risk. The school is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or broken personal devices.

Students must use the iPad issued by the school. iPads belong to the school and are to be used for educational purposes only. Instructional or educational games must be approved by a teacher and played only at times designated.