4 minute read

School Day Scheduling & Logistics

School Hours

Each weekday, the Lower School is open at 7:30 a.m. for students to begin to arrive. Students report to the Lower School Commons from 7:30 a.m. to 7:50 a.m., and are dismissed to their classrooms at 7:50 a.m. The school day officially begins at 8:00 a.m. each morning. Students should arrive early enough to be in their classrooms – no later than 8:00 a.m. – or they will be counted as tardy. Lower School doors lock promptly at 8:00 a.m.; if arriving late, a parent must walk the student into the building and check them in to ensure a safe transition.

Late-Start Wednesdays

The late-start time each Wednesday allows for all-school faculty and staff meetings. Students may arrive as early as 7:30 a.m., but no later than 8:25 a.m. School begins promptly at 8:30 a.m. Lower School doors lock promptly at 8:30 a.m.; if late, a parent must walk the student into the building and check them in to ensure a safe transition.

Student Arrival & Pickup Procedures

School day and classroom activities begin at 8:00 a.m. each day. Ideally, students should arrive at school on time so that they have an opportunity to report to the classroom, hang up their backpacks, greet classmates and teachers, and arrive at Community Meeting on time. A student will be marked tardy if he or she arrives after 8:00 a.m. Students benefit greatly when they begin the day in an organized, structured manner.

The school is committed to the safety of the children during morning arrival and afternoon departure. Parents should read the following information carefully. Click HERE for campus-wide parking and driving guidelines.

As parents arrive in the morning, they should enter the Lower School line in the far-right lane from the Dutchtown Road side of campus. Parents will not be allowed to turn left into the Lower School circle from the Middle School. If dropping off a Middle School child at the Lower School, the student should travel on the sidewalk to the Middle School. All traffic must turn left when exiting the Lower School circle and drive toward Dutchtown Road to exit campus.

Afternoon carpool begins each day at 3:15 p.m. Students will gather on the front porch of the Lower School. Vehicles should line the side of the porch and pull directly behind the car in front. The student's name will be called, and he or she will approach the car. A faculty member will assist the child into the vehicle. Parents should not get out of the vehicle, as it will result in the car line becoming congested and slowing down the process.

Students should only enter and exit the vehicle from the curbside. If a child uses a car seat, the driver should move it to the right side of the vehicle to make it easier for the child to enter and exit.

All parents should travel through the car line to pick up their children; please be considerate of other cars as you move through the circle. Parents should not park and walk to the porch to pick up their children unless approved by the Head of Lower School.

Picking Up a Middle School Sibling at the Lower School:

Parents of children in both the Lower School and Middle School may choose to pick up both children at once. Middle School students will meet the driver at the Lower School. If you have a Middle School child to pick up, please arrive each day in the Lower School car line near the end of pickup (closer to 3:30 p.m.). If a parent arrives before the Middle School is dismissed, the parent should wait in the lower parking lot and then re-enter the line behind the last car. Parents may not park on the curb and wait for a Middle School student or pick a Middle School student up at the stop sign or along the sidewalk. Students should only be picked up at the Lower School circle.

Pickup by Someone Other Than a Parent (e.g. grandparent, babysitter, etc.)

If someone other than a parent or your designee is picking up your child, please communicate the Lower School car line protocol to him or her. Also, email the person’s name and type of car (model, make, color) to the Lower School receptionist at the following address: LS_attendance@webbschool.org no later than 2:45 p.m. She will include this information on the Head of the Lower School’s dismissal information card.


The Dutchtown Road entrance remains open throughout the day and is the primary access point for the Lower School car line (morning and afternoon). The Mabry Hood Road entrance has a gate that will be open for morning arrivals and afternoon pickup; it will be locked from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. each day.

Phone Usage In Car Line

The Lower School car line circle is a NO PHONE ZONE for phone calls and texts. As you enter and drive through the circle, we ask that you not talk on your phone or text. This includes speaker and hands-free options.

Special Note Regarding The First Week Of School

During the first week of school, first through fifth grade parents should not enter the Lower School car line for pickup before 2:30 p.m. due to the staggered pickup times for Junior Spartans and kindergartners.

IMPORTANT UPDATES: Please note the following updates and reiterations of Lower School car line safety guidelines:

1. All car lines will form at the bottom of the Lower School circle driveway.

• Vehicles should wait at the bottom of the circle until given a signal and invited to enter the circle driveway when the car line begins.

• Exceptions include vehicles actively dropping off students before 7:30 a.m. for Safety Patrol, tutoring, or morning clubs.

2. There is no entry or waiting in the Lower School circle driveway during any of the three car lines.

• Please avoid picking up students from After Care during active car line.

• If you must pick up a student during an active car line, please park in the lower lot and use the sidewalk.

• Walking between cars is a safety concern and disrupts the car line process.