1 minute read

Information Sheets and Checklist for Venues




In addition to the invitations and suggestions already made in the pack, which reflect work in practice and will potentially be subject to change, I am also offering here three downloadable sheets. The first two are Information Sheets; one for artists, the other for venues. These sheets include propositions for information that artists and venues might want to share with each other. There is also a downloadable venues checklist which provides further questions that can be used as prompts for a venue when programming dance artists. They are meant as a basis for individualised conversations and communication, rather than replacements for these conversations, in order to start from a place of vulnerability and transparency. The information sheets aim to simplifying the sharing of information to avoid contrived care and/or unnecessary control and regulations for artists.

As these ideas are evolving for us, they can also be developed by you to suit your individual relationships and experiences. They are not intended to be used to convey hard line rules for venues nor be seen as a one size fits all method to ‘solve’ institutional structural issues, or potential conflict between stakeholders. In place of the sheets, additional formats might be considered such as spoken or film (e.g. questions around the history of the building and where it is etc could be made into video form as these are unlikely to change and can be sent to all artists).

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