3 minute read

FOR the LOVE of Books and KIDS

How Patti Yetter cultivates a love of reading in students of all ages.

by Charlie Ramseyer

Any student who has journeyed through Wichita Collegiate School for any length of time knows that reading is bedrock to our educational experience. As a school, we work hard to create a love of reading in our youngest Spartans that carries through to our oldest. And our Librarian Patti Yetter is there for the journey from the start.

When I asked Mrs. Yetter what led her to her current role as the Early Childhood and Lower School Librarian, she glanced around the Sheldon Coleman Library with such love in her eyes that I almost thought that was her answer. But then she looked back at me and said, “I love books and I love kids.” And with Mrs. Yetter, you quickly know, it truly is that simple.

Mrs. Yetter’s first association with Collegiate actually came as a parent. Her son, Jansen, started attending in the 4th grade, graduating in 2008. As she watched him grow up on our campus, she saw the pieces of the school that make it such a wonderful place, while acknowledging that even in this special environment, many of our students are still looking for their own special place here. After joining the faculty as a 2nd Grade teacher in 2015, she made it her intent to create that space for them. She first joined the faculty as a long-term substitute for

2nd Grade in 2014 and never left. After being in the classroom for four years, a colleague encouraged her to look into a librarian position that would be opening the next year. After learning that the new role meant there wouldn’t be an Early Childhood librarian, she quickly figured out a schedule that allowed her to work with kids in both the Early Childhood and the Lower School. With books in hand, she hit the ground running and hasn’t looked back. where it really starts, the true LOVE of reading. From our kindergarten through our 4th graders, Mrs. Yetter encourages the kids to check out books that spark their excitement. She is quick to emphasize that even if kids pick something beneath their reading level, the real importance is that they develop a lifelong love of reading by finding a book they can’t wait to crack open. She delights in watching the kids squeeze in those first few pages as they wait in line or on the walk back to their classroom.

Mrs. Yetter visits our two-year-old Great Beginnings students every week for their own version of library time in their classrooms. Beginning at three years old, our preschool and prekindergarten students visit the Jenny Paulseen Early Childhood Library once a week. After reading them a story, Mrs. Yetter engages the kids with activities such as retelling the story, sequencing, character recognition, and more. It is these comprehension skills that ultimately build the foundation of a good reader.

It isn’t just the younger kids who get the privilege of being read to each week by Mrs. Yetter. In fact, our fourth grade students still take their seats in the Leslie Prechtel Reading Room just like they did as first graders eager to hear the next story Mrs. Yetter has to share.

Mrs. Yetter lights up when she starts talking about kids taking home books from the library. She works hard to curate a collection of books that speaks to a variety of interests and excites each and every kid when they walk into the library. She knows this is As we watch our students grow up on campus, we see their love of reading grow as well. And certainly the Collegiate library program, under the care of Mrs. Yetter and supported by all of our teachers, facilitates that lifelong love of reading.