1 minute read


by Maritjie Cornelissen, maritjiec@elsenburg.com

CCOVID-19 has brought along a great deal of negativity and feelings of hopelessness, but it has also forced all of us to think smart, think fast, act fast and make things happen di erently.

It was the same kind of experience with the arrangement of a career summit by Elsenburg Agricultural Training Institute (EATI) and AgriSETA for the 2020/2021 financial year. Fortunately, it was decided from the start that the career summit would be a combination of a traditional event and a webinar.

Due to the COVID-19 Level 3 announced in 2020, the committee decided to continue with a virtual career summit only. AgriSETA’s excellent IT team put together a very good video on all careers within agriculture. In March 2021, EATI conducted the first virtual career summit in collaboration with

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