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Finally, the history of Capel Seion is a story of successful adaptation to the rapidly changing social and technological advances of the 21st century and is characterised by a concerted effort to engage and involve the youth and children’s community. The church successfully engaged the younger generation and developed the community’s capacity for sustained personal and community growth. The church’s willingness to adapt to the changing society and use new technologies was crucial to its success. Employing a person with a wide range of skills and expertise has been instrumental in this success in the first five years of the project. After that, the foundations for change were laid and developed further by a full-time church leader. The traditional church minister gave way to a church leader nearly ten years ago. Although the traditional church services and sacraments continue to this day, they are performed by church leaders, whilst burials, weddings, and baptisms are performed by lay people with the necessary skills. By embracing new technologies and innovative strategies, the church has created a more dynamic and engaging environment for its younger members. With these changes, the church absorbed members of other churches that had closed and, with extended abilities and talents, is well-positioned to continue its growth and development for many years to come.

The community’s involvement in the decisionmaking process helped create a sense of ownership and belonging which helped to break down the barriers between the church and the community, and it helped to develop mutual support and understanding. The story of Capel Seion is a testament to the power of adaptation and the importance of community involvement.

Ref1 Chatbot: A chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, typically through a messaging interface. Chatbots can be programmed to handle a wide range of tasks, such as providing customer support, answering questions, assisting with online purchases, and even engaging in casual conversation. They can use a variety of technologies, including artificial intelligence and natural language processing, to understand user inputs and respond appropriately. Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular in a variety of industries, as they can help to automate certain tasks and provide a more personalized experience for users.

Ref2 2 Bot: Bots (short for "robots") are computer programs designed to automate tasks that would otherwise be performed by humans. Bots can be programmed to perform a wide variety of tasks, ranging from simple tasks like answering frequently asked questions to more complex tasks like trading stocks or interacting with customers in natural language. Bots are often used to save time and increase efficiency, as they can perform repetitive tasks faster and more accurately than humans. They are commonly used in customer service, e-commerce, social media, and other industries where automation can help streamline processes and reduce costs.

Ref 3 Avatar: An avatar is a digital representation of a person or character, typically in the form of a graphical image or 3D model. Avatars are commonly used in virtual worlds, video games, social media, and other online platforms where users want to create a visual representation of themselves or their online persona. They can also be used in educational settings, where they can help students learn and engage with course material in a more interactive and engaging way.

Ref 4 New Wave Church: The term "New Wave Church" does not refer to any specific denomination or organization, but rather a general trend in contemporary Christian churches that emphasizes modern approaches to worship and evangelism. New Wave Churches often incorporate elements of contemporary culture, such as music, media, and technology, into their worship services in order to connect with younger generations and create a more engaging and dynamic experience. They may also place a greater emphasis on personal spirituality and individual expression of faith. Overall, the term "New Wave Church" reflects a broad movement within contemporary Christianity that seeks to adapt traditional Christian practices and beliefs to the needs and expectations of a rapidly changing cultural landscape.