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Progress S&N Canals

Shrewsbury & Newport Canals Trust have been continuing their work at Berwick Tunnel near Shewsbury and at Wappenshall Junction

Shrewsbury & Newport canals

WRG’s Mikk Bradley plus Mick and Ann Lilliman came to the north portal of the Berwick Tunnel on the Shrewsbury Canal in early November. This was to continue the lime mortaring of brickwork and stonework to the disassembled Lengthsman’s Hut, carrying on from the summer Canal Camp work. With some help from SNCT volunteers to mix the mortar and despite the rain (thanks to Mick’s ‘tent’ over the work) a fair bit more was completed. WRG’s Forestry Team are due to visit the site for a weekend in January 2023 to remove a troublesome and dangerous tree using a cherry-picker, while London WRG, Forestry and KESCRG will be visiting in the spring.

Elsewhere on the S&N progress has been good at Wappenshall Wharf. The east basin work is now complete, as is the new towpath. Now work is being carried out on the smaller of the two warehouses to repurpose it, making it into a good quality café. Major work is now ongoing to install the sewage treatment plant and connect it to the new toilet block that is under construction.

Bernie Jones