1 minute read


Sweden 1986 - DCP - 149 minutes, in Swedish with English subtitles

Director, Screenplay: Andrei Tarkovsky

Producer: Anna-Lena Wibom

Cast: Erland Josephson, Susan Fleetwood, Allan Edwall, Guðrún Gísladóttir, Sven Wollter

Print Courtesy: Kino Lorber

Saturday, July 8 9:40PM | MFC 2

Thursday, July 13 6:20PM | MFC 3

Andrei Tarkovsky’s final film, presented in a new 4K restoration, made in self-exile from Russia amidst the landscape of Sweden, is considered the great director’s ultimate masterpiece, following Solaris, Stalker, and Andrei Rublev The Sacrifice finds a wealthy Swedish family gathering to celebrate the birthday of its patriarch, Alexander (Erland Jospephson, a Bergman fixture.) News of the outbreak of World War III reaches their remote Baltic island, and their happiness turns to horror. For Alexander, a philosopher troubled by the world’s spiritual failings, the prospect of extinction compels the ultimate sacrifice, so he enters into a Faustian bargain with God to save his loved ones from the fear which grips them. “You may find yourself moved as you never have been before”—Andrew Sarris, The Village Voice. Shown to accompany the premiere of The Last Dream: Tarkovsky and The Sacrifice at MIFF this year. —KE

Saturday, July 8 4PM | WOH

Saturday, July 15 6:40PM | MFC 2