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The Kneeling Art Photography Project features photos of Mainers of all backgrounds taking a knee in support of anti-racist action in Maine communities.

Portland artist Titi de Baccarat partners with LumenARRT! to share testimonials and video projections that amplify the message of these striking photographs, inspiring all people to reexamine civic engagement in their own communities. Free and open to the public.

Opening Night Event

Friday, July 9

9:00 p.m.

Castonguay Square, Waterville

Come together in Castonguay Square after the Festival’s Opening Night screening for a special kickoff event with LumenARRT! and the Kneeling Art Photography Project. Live music, impactful photography, and projections on the façade of City Hall will light up downtown Waterville.

Community Art Activism Workshop

Saturday, July 10 1:00 p.m.

18 Main St., Waterville

The Kneeling Art Photography Project, Natasha Mayers, and LumenARRT! join forces for this workshop on strategies to use activist art. Take advantage of their combined experience to help you envision art activism in your community. If you’re involved in a nonprofit organization or have a special issue you’d like to address, this is a chance to activate your ideas and set a course for social change.

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Exhibition And Photo Booth

Saturday, July 10 to Sunday, July 18

1:00 to 5:00 p.m. daily

18 Main St., Waterville

Throughout the rest of the Festival, photography, video projections, and an original soundscape will build an immersive audiovisual experience for visitors. The gallery display will highlight the narratives of our neighbors in Waterville and beyond who kneel to advance anti-racist social action in their communities. Join in and have your photograph made as you take a knee and become part of this statewide solidarity movement.

Internationally recognized wines & spirits from locally sourced apples, pears, and maple syrup

Also featuring Limoncello, Sparkling Sangria, and Absinthe

Tastings Wednesday–Saturday. Private group tastings available

Unity Foundation salutes the dedicated staff and volunteers of the Maine International Film Festival!

Our mission is to support mission-driven nonprofits in Maine through capacity-building initiatives, organizational assessment, programmatic grantmaking and nonprofit management education. Our goal is to promote strong, sustainable nonprofits that reliably serve Maine communities.

PRO Moving Service is proud to be a part of this dynamic Central Maine community! Our superior level of service is always available to the creators in this unique area. Whether we’re moving the artist or artwork, the office manager or office furniture, the chef or restaurant fixtures, PRO will always be there. Count on us for your household and commercial moving, installations, office furnishings and more. Thanks for choosing a PRO!

PRO Moving Service is proud to be a part of this dynamic Central Maine community! Our superior level of service is always available to the creators in this unique area. Whether we’re moving the artist or artwork, the office manager or office furniture, the chef or restaurant fixtures, PRO will always be there Count on us for your household and commercial moving, installations, office furnishings and more Thanks for choosing a PRO!

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