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African Lily (Agapanthus sp.) is a beautiful flower that blooms on the tip of a long stalk held above strappy green foliage. Most folks are familiar with the agapanthus flower in many shades of blue, from aqua to navy, but it is also available in pure white. This perennial bulb grows easily in almost any soil, from sandy to clay. It is resistant to wind and salt air, so it is a great choice for growing in coastal regions. It prefers full sun, although it tolerates part-shade as well. Agapanthus has many other positive attributes, such as being very droughttolerant, deer- and rabbit-resistant, and a pollinator favorite. Most African Lilies are hardy to USDA Zones 8-11, like the compact Storm™ Agapanthus series from Anthony Tesselaar Plants. If you are in a cooler climate, plant them in pots and move the containers inside to a protected spot during the winter. Some cultivars are bred to thrive in Zone 7 with extra mulching to insulate them, such as the Agapanthus ‘Stevie’s Wonder’ available from Brent & Becky’s Bulbs. Others, like Agapanthus ‘Blue Yonder’, are said to be hardy down to zone 5. Your mileage may vary. The only care they need is an initial boost with a slow-release fertilizer after being planted. Apply fertilizer annually thereafter to encourage flowering. o


By Kathy Jentz