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“Children interact confidently with other pupils and adults in the EYFS, benefiting from constant meaningful dialogue with staff, and further developing their emerging sense of self.”

“Children in the EYFS have highly developed skills in response to well-resourced classrooms and ambitious teaching from the staff. Senior school pupils demonstrate excellent abilities to synthesise and critically analyse information.”

Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) almost invariably achieve at levels in advance of expectations as they pursue the Early Learning Goals.”

“ Pupils make excellent progress in response to teaching which takes into account the requirements of each examination, and the needs and learning preferences of all groups of pupils, including those with SEND.”

“The best writing in the senior school is scholarly and persuasive, exhibiting excellent habits fostered by open-ended tasks requiring extended answers.”

“Throughout the school, pupils are self-aware and show an excellent level of self-understanding.”

“In lessons, pupils feel free to make mistakes, identifying this as a way of learning in a safe environment. Pupils are encouraged to be self-reflective following assessments… as a result, they know how to improve their work.”


Pupils attach a high value to creativity, in accordance with the aims of the school, and as exemplified by high levels of participation in music and drama and outstanding displays of pupils’ art around the school. They enjoy feeling that they are part of something bigger than themselves, such as the cast of a play, or a choir, or a house competing for athletic prizes.”

“…almost all parents agreed that their children developed strong teamwork and social skills.”

“ Pupils at all stages demonstrate an excellent understanding of right and wrong through their daily interactions. Pupils fully understand the school’s high behavioural expectations and accept responsibility for their actions.”

“Almost all parents who responded to the questionnaire said their children are becoming confident and independent.”

“Pupils’ social awareness is highly developed in fulfilment of the school’s aim to encourage them to be well-rounded and well-mannered members of society. They work collaboratively throughout the school to solve problems in a variety of situations…”