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The sobering reality of the coronavirus’ paralysis of the higher education system proved serendipitous for some of WSU’s workers who, in spite of their health and wellbeing, served the university with valour and utmost distinction.


Very few instances, if any, unambiguously depict this immeasurable courage more than the university’s laptop distribution team which traversed the most beaten of the country’s paths to deliver over 20 000 laptops to undergraduate students in the most deep and remote villages to the most cosmopolitan of cities.

“I headed the WSU Laptops Joint Operations Cluster which was directly responsible for the actual distribution of the laptops to the hands of the intended beneficiaries. Execution, planning, security services, coordination, administration, stock management and transport were the different facets that led to the success of the project” said WSU Laptops Joint Operations Cluster head and coordinator Dr Lulamile Ntonzima.

Despite three robbery attempts in Cofimvaba, Matatiele and Mzimkulu, Dr Ntonzima’s troops stood steadfast, and much like the resilience and efficiency the African wild dog exudes during its unrelenting hunt, so too did the team in its exhibition of endurance, patience and dogged determination to deliver the devices.

Dr Ntonzima was a picture of humility as he gleefully relayed his satisfaction and delight at being recognized, along with his team, at this year’s Vice Chancellor’s Recognition Awards which took place at the Mthatha Campus recently. “I was happy that we received the award and that all our sacrifices were acknowledged in trying to save the academic year. The acknowledgement affirmed to me that WSU has very committed employees,” he said.

WSU e-Access and Digital Library Manager Lungile Mdanyana, who won in the category ‘Innovations in Multimodal Teaching’, also lauded the VC’s efforts in providing a platform for excellence in the discharging of duties to be recognised.

Mdanyana has made an unavoidable impression on his peers through his cross campus strategic and functional oversight of e-accessibility of library resources; library presence on the Learning Management System (WiseUp) and social media platforms; his training and development of academic staff, librarians and researchers on the use of new technologies and library applications.

“As an Instructional Designer, I support lecturers in designing and developing online courses. I normally conduct departmental trainings and one-on-one consultations to achieve that goal,” he said.

The university’s solitary graphic designer, Linda Mynhardt, whose annual report produced in 2019 earned her a VC’s Excellence Award for ‘Exemplary Achievement and Performance’ said she was amazed by the wonderful work being done by her colleagues from all corners of the institution.

She expressed great pride in being a part of a university that boasts superb talent and holds great promise for the future.

Approximately 210 staff members were honoured during this year’s second edition of the awards.

By Thando Cezula

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