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Waldorf at a Glance
Engaged alumni start as engaged students. In order to bridge the gap between being a student on campus and spreading your wings in the world as an alumnus of this great institution, we have created the Waldorf University Student Alumni Ambassadors (SAA)!
THE MISSION: To serve as liaisons within the Waldorf University alumni community, offer insights into current Waldorf University student culture, share personal Waldorf experiences and to build lifelong Waldorf relationships.
The SAA organization will be in charge of various events and programming throughout the year. This includes, but is not limited to:
// Throwing the senior class a graduation party each spring to welcome them to the Waldorf University Alumni Association
// Connecting with current alumni to organize workshops, presentations, seminars, discussions, etc. for students and faculty/staff
// Implementing new and innovative ways to engage and connect students and alumni both on and off campus
Comments, suggestions or concerns? Reach out to alumni@waldorf. edu for more details!
It might not always be easy to come back to campus during the year, but we don't want that to stop you from connecting with classmates and fellow Warriors. ALUMNI
Waldorf Alumni Chapters of the Waldorf University Alumni Association provide a fun and welcoming environment to help bring together alumni, parents and friends of Waldorf throughout various parts of the nation. These groups can be formed based off of geographic/regional location or by special interest (small business owners, choir, major/ minor, etc.), and are an awesome way to engage, network and reminisce with fellow Warriors all year round! Through various events and activities (Think: sporting events, casual get-togethers, potlucks, etc.) put on/attended by each group twice a year, we are hoping alumni take advantage of the opportunity to reconnect with former classmates and friends from Waldorf, while building and forming new relationships as well, that all have at least one wonderful thing in common: we all have a home in the Warrior family.
The Waldorf University Alumni Association Board of Directors would like to formally welcome the first official alumni chapters to the Warrior family:
// Waldorf University Alumni Association - Forest City Chapter
// Waldorf University Alumni Association - New Mexico Chapter
We know these two chapters will be dynamic, engaging and inclusive groups for Waldorf alumni and friends to connect with one another and make new Waldorf memories. If you reside in one of these areas, please reach out to alumni@waldorf.edu to get connected!
Want to see a chapter near you?
Email alumni@waldorf.edu for information to get started!