17 minute read


In 2020 we said goodbye to some much loved members of staff.



Head of Religion, Philosophy& Ethics Department

Danny joined the RPE Department as HoD in September 2015 from All Saints’ Catholic High School in Sheffield, and helped to cement the Department as a vibrant, exciting and innovating part of WGHS life. As a dynamic practitioner of RPE, his love of the subject and drive to see our students do their best was a joy to collaborate with. Danny was also an integral part of the school’s HPL initiative, sparking enthusiasm about its benefits in both staff and students, and would always do his utmost to help see the school on its journey to become a High Performance Learning World Class School.

From an extra-curricular perspective, Danny was a dedicated Sixth Form Tutor, and happily led the Girls’ Football Team at lunchtimes as well as taking the mini-bus out for EDGE excursions - and he always maintained a healthy sense of humour after going up hill and down dale! This was also particularly evident on his trip to Rome with the Classics Department where his knowledge of churches and church history challenged and stimulated the students. On a personal note, Danny was a constant source of support and encouragement before, during and after my two periods of maternity leave - he made it effortlessly easy for me to slip back into the school’s hustle and bustle, for which I will always be very grateful.

At Christmas 2019 both staff and students were sad to say goodbye to Danny, who took up the post of Head of Religious Education at his alma mater, All Saints’ Catholic Voluntary Academy, in Mansfield. We know he was sad to leave too, but at least he got to go out to the Brass Group’s refrain of Survivor’s ‘Eye of the Tiger’ in his last assembly, which we all know was a particular favourite of his.

We wish all health and happiness to him, his wife Katie, and children Amelia, Olivia, and Matthew.

Mrs Keegan-Phipps


Teacher of French and German

Madame Djokovic, or DD, joined the MFL department at WGHS in January 2011. A passionate linguist, Daniela soon settled into life at the school enjoying all aspects of what it had to offer. Daniela was not only enthusiastic in the classroom but she also valued the extracurricular activities and was always ready to volunteer to help with DoE or with an overseas trip. We know Daniela would like to thank all the girls she had the privilege to teach, and all the students she had the pleasure to chat to in the corridors, over the years. Her thanks also go to the many parents who have been so supportive over the years. Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité!


Deputy Head of Pastoral

It is with a heavy heart that we said farewell to Mrs Sarah Loftus, our wonderful Deputy Head of Pastoral Care, at the end of this academic year. The whole school community will feel this loss keenly.

Sarah joined Wakefield Girls’ High in 2004 for a maternity cover in the English Department before settling in as a permanent member of staff, becoming Head of Year 12 and 13 in 2010 and appointed as Deputy Head, Pastoral in 2014. Clearly the Heads responsible for these appointments had great judgement. During Sarah’s time here she has always shown a steadfast commitment to the school and to the girls’ wellbeing and care. Her dedication may be the main factor that has won the respect of so many pupils and staff, however it is by no means her only contribution.

As a (newish) head, many challenges that arise are novel and can be initially disconcerting. At such times, leaders need a team around them who know the school, its staff and its students and Sarah has provided calm, wise counsel on so many occasions. She has a wealth of experience and is unflappable. In her role - and actually, in life - she has been proactive, hands on, forward thinking and selfless. She is certainly a glass-half full individual and always looked to bring the best out of our students, and a situation.

Sarah’s mark on WGHS will be longstanding. Exciting initiatives from the Happy Cafe, Odd Socks Day, Falcon Friday to Wellbeing Week are all thanks to her. And who would have thought that so many teenage girls would love to sit on a Thursday afternoon learning cross stitch for their EDGE activity? I feel it was more about spending time together with an opportunity to have a good natter to the girls than the stitching. Indeed, who could forget her ‘Old Woman of the Week’ assemblies whereby she had us all on the edge of our seat, waiting to find out about the next inspirational, rule-breaking woman. Examples of such women include Hedi Lamarr, Frida Kahlo and Kathrine Switzer. Such initiatives are a testament to her energy and warmth at school. However to requote Maya Angelou as used in a recent assembly I suspect that her more lasting legacy will be the memory of how she made people feel. Students sense staff who really care for their wellbeing, and they knew Mrs Loftus was firmly in this category.

Her approach to school life - bringing joy and laughter to each day - really helped to shape not only the student experience of Wakefield Girls’ High, but also the staff experience, too. I will miss her greatly, but I know, so too will a great number of students and colleagues. We wish her a very happy next chapter of life as she begins her early retirement and hope that she will visit often (with her cross stitch basket!).

Beverley has worked at WGHS for 32 years and was initially appointed as a DT and Physics technician before moving to the Chemistry Department in 1998 to work as a full time chemistry technician. Beverley has been excellent in her role as chemistry technician. She has been a most reliable, conscientious and efficient member of the Department. She has contributed greatly to the development of many pupils over the years as well as to the overall success of the Chemistry Department. She has had a pivotal role in the running of chemistry, supplying apparatus and chemicals for each lesson, servicing the laboratories, liaising with staff and pupils and maintaining and ordering new stock. Her policy was always to repair rather than renew and this greatly helped our budget stretch that little bit further! In recent years Beverley has worked successfully with Vicky Mitchell in a chemistry technician job share role which allowed her to spend more time with her then newly born granddaughter.

Beverley worked tirelessly for the Department and will be greatly missed both as a colleague and a friend. We wish her a long and happy retirement and hope to keep in touch.

Sarah Duerden-Brown (Head of Chemistry) and Mike Uttley (retired Head of Chemistry)

ROSIE LEWRY Teacher of Geography

The Geography Department sadly said farewell to a most loyal and enthusiastic member of the Department. In a typically unassuming, compassionate fashion, Rosie has provided a thorough geographical education for those fortunate enough to have been taught by her. She always puts the needs of the students first and regularly goes the extra mile to ensure her lessons are of a high standard. This approach continued outside the classroom where she spent hours supporting individual students. So many have benefited from her knowledge and expertise over the last seven years.

She has not only spent her time teaching in the classroom but enjoyed helping, supporting and organising a range of diverse events including many field trips and other extracurricular activities that have enriched the educational experience of the students. One minute she would be found in the music concerts, then the next motivating students on their Duke of Edinburgh Expedition to climb yet another hill. Her willingness to give up her time is also exemplified by the summer of 2015 when she supported an expedition to Costa Rica. Her fastidious organisation will not be forgotten nor the huge amount of equipment she always packed for every eventuality. The Department had never ever seen anyone climb the Malham steps with such a large rucksack until Rosie took the lead for this trip! All good fun and her sense of humour will be missed. There is no doubt that many students benefited from the Geographical Association WorldWise Quiz that she was instrumental in organising for local schools and cultivated a number of strong teams of which some won the trophy for WGHS.

Rosie has always enjoyed her life at WGHS and it has been a difficult decision for her to leave. We know Rosie is devoted to her young family and this will mean she can spend more time with her fantastic young boys. We wish her luck on this new chapter and all the adventures it will bring. Mr Hargreaves

Hannah Mitchell joined the Art Department in 2011 led by Head of Department Rowena Gration. Hannah brought about really creative ideas in textiles, printmaking and mixed media and went on to develop these for the Art Department throughout her time in post.

Hannah's class room was always bright, energetic and busy with girls attending additional Art during lunch times. She was always a bright and cheerful presence and her love for the pomegranate Art Project and her consumption of vast amounts of toast each break time, still resonates amongst our girls today. Hannah really enjoyed working at Wakefield Girls’ High School and we wish her all the best of luck as she becomes a full time mum to her beautiful daughter Lola. Mrs Varley

LIZ ZOCCOLAN Head of Learning Support

It is with real regret that we are saying farewell to a wonderful member of staff, our Head of Learning Support, Elizabeth Zoccolan. We “stole” Liz from across the road QEGS - in 2016 and since then she has developed and expanded the provision we already had for girls who require further support across the school. She will be missed by students, staff and parents.

Liz’s background is in Languages, and having studied French with Portuguese at Kings, London, she taught in a variety of local schools, finally moving to the Grammar School Foundation as a teacher of Languages. Previous experience with learning intervention initiatives came to the fore though, and before long, Liz had moved into the LS department at QEGS. It is in this arena that Liz has made such an impact at WGHS. From her office in Cliff, Liz has built up a vibrant, thriving and innovative department, where countless children (as well as staff) have benefited from her expertise, wisdom and kindness. She has quite simply changed students’ lives with her skill and compassion. As well as having the specialist subject knowledge to ensure girls are gaining fair access to the curriculum and exams, she has the “can do” attitude that marks her as a true professional.

Liz is a generous colleague, always keen to share her understanding and expertise, either in full staff training sessions or one-to-one. She asks staff to play to their strengths, and gives them the confidence to deliver the appropriate support for a student in the most effective way. Liz has made such a difference to so many students in so many ways. She is humorous, dedicated, effective and knowledgeable. It’s little wonder that she has received a promotion which elevates her to senior management. Wakefield Girls’ High School will miss you, Liz. We thank you for being such a wonderful colleague and with you all the best for a happy, successful future.

In 2021 we said goodbye to some much loved members of staff.


Head of the Junior School

In December we said goodbye to Mrs Rachel Edwards who had been Head of the Junior School for six years. During her tenure she always made everyone feel welcome and cared deeply about her staff, the girls and the future of the School. Building on the existing foundations, Mrs Edwards incorporated up to date technology into the curriculum. She oversaw the refurbishment of St John's House, transforming it into a modern, contemporary and aspirational environment for learning and, in her final year, she successfully guided the school community through its unprecedented period of national lockdown and online provision. She will be missed greatly by staff and girls alike.

We wish Mrs Edwards a safe and happy retirement which allows her to spend more time with her husband and her horses. We thank her for all she has done for the school during her time with us.

In January of 2020 the Governors announced that both WGHS and QEGS would become through schools from Year 3 to Year 13. Accordingly, Ms Heidi-Jayne Boyes is now Head of WGHS years 3 to 13.

She successfully guided the school community through its unprecedented period of national lockdown and online provision ”


Head of Biology

Since arriving from Norwich School in January 2003 Jonathan, or Dr “K” to many current and former students, has made a lasting impression on the WGHS school community as Head of Biology and as a teacher and person.

Academically he has always put the students first and supported them in countless ways, whereas his commitment to wider school life has been both comprehensive and unrelenting - from leading trips and undertaking numerous charity events to starring regularly in the Christmas Revue and showing a real passion for “WGHS life” generally.

Dr “K’s” contribution to academic life at WGHS cannot be understated. Helped by his medical background, Dr “K” brought a real passion to Biology and this rubbed off on many of his students, particularly those who went on to study medicine and related scientific disciplines at university. It is not unusual for former students to explain that they are where they are today because of Dr Korosi - often because he repeatedly went the extra mile. One junior doctor recently mentioned on Instagram Live how Dr “K” would visit her family home to provide extra tuition; to which she and herparents will remain eternally grateful.

Beyond the “lab” and the realms of STC, Jonathan has been an equally great supporter of high school life. Shortly after joining school his woodworking skills were put to the test as he took on the role of stage crew manager making trees for a production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. His contribution to charity events, especially “gymathons'' and the numerous coast to coast cycle rides with the pupils (collectively raising thousands of pounds) will live long in the memory as will his frequent visits to the East Coast, Blencathra and Pembrokeshire to run field trips along with supporting D of E in various guises.

Although “JCK” has finally made the decision to retire to spend more time with his wife Elaine and his sons Ben and Alex, his commitment and connection to WGHS is likely to continue in perpetuity. Following in the footsteps of his father George at QEGS, the Korosi surname and “Biology at the Foundation” will remain inextricably linked for many years to come.

We wish Jonathan and his family a happy and healthy future and hope that his wish to travel becomes a reality. I suspect that he might enjoy a pint or two en route!

NB. In addition to reading the above you may also wish to watch the recent interview with JCK, which was initially shared across the school in May 2021.

Development Officer

After almost 11 years of dedicated service, Lizzie decided to leave the Foundation in November 2020. During her time at the Foundation, Lizzie worked in a variety of roles with the QEGS Office until she moved into her role as a Development Officer for the Foundation.

In her position as Old Savilians’ Club administrator, she already had strong links to the Club and good relationships with the Old Savilians. She quickly built on these relationships whilst at the same time created links with the WGHS Old Girls. Lizzie helped establish the Development Office, build alumni relationships, arrange events and keep in touch with our alumni through regular e-newsletters, posting on social media and the annual magazines.

Lizzie was great for taking ownership of tasks and seeing them through to completion. She was always eager to build on her knowledge, through on-the-job learning, selfteaching or attending a training course. Her exemplary organisational skills ensured that all Development Office events were a success, as those Old Girls and Old Savs who have attended a dinner or reunion will know! Her energy, attention to detail and her commitment to perfection, meant that all the events ran without a hitch. Lizzie was the ‘swan’ gliding into the room, when she had been frantically ensuring that everything was perfect for the guests!

Lizzie and I shared an office and she would always brighten up the day with her cheerful personality, funny tales and a beautiful wardrobe!

Thank you Lizzie for your dedication, enthusiasm and contribution to the Foundation.

Cath Worsley


Head’s PA

Mrs Barbara Milne Retires after 33 years! Barbara Milne has worked as WGHS Junior School Head's PA for 6 Heads which must have been quite a challenge as each of us will have had our own way of doing things. Barbara was incredibly loyal to everyone one of us. She enabled us all to settle in so quickly and had such a wealth and knowledge of the people and the workings of the Foundation. She always managed to give us a gentle nudge when deadlines had to be met and always alerted us to meetings and events which were coming up. She was such a calm organised person, rarely got ruffled but always there to listen to moans and groans. This year we have bid farewell to some brilliant staff and thank them for bringing a wealth of talent and happy memories.

Our talented singing teacher, Miss Katie Johnson, is leaving us to undertake primary school teacher training this year. Katie's lessons have proved to be extremely popular and she has always had a waiting list of pupils wishing to take singing lessons with her. Our choirs and performances have reaped the benefits of her expert teaching. We wish her the best of luck with the training for the exciting next step in her career.

Mrs Catherine Baker has sadly finished teaching in the foundation. Her work with the double reed instruments (oboe and bassoon) was amazing, and her renowned Double Reed Club and Wind in the Willows ensemble gained attention both around the country and abroad. Catherine’s work will always be remembered in Willows and we will strive to ensure that double reed instruments continue to be well represented in school.

Mr Chris Bacon retires from his brass teaching in Willows and across the foundation, after an astonishing 33 years of teaching and leading brass ensembles and orchestras. He has taught generations of brass players who will remember him fondly.

Mrs Saskia Bacon is retiring after a wonderful 33 years of flute teaching across the foundation. Saskia’s flute ensembles have featured in so many concerts, assemblies and festivals in and out of school. Her annual appearance at Wakefield Cathedral was a highlight every Christmas. She will be greatly missed around Willows and by her many pupils, past and present.

I once described her as 'an island of calm in a tumultuous sea' and I for one could not have done the job without her.

I had immense admiration for her during my 18 years as Head but especially just after her husband sadly died. She refused to take time out preferring to come into school each day 'to take her mind off things'. She was an inspiration to us all at coping with adversities. She had that wonderful balance of being an excellent team player but always had time to sense what was going on in the staff room and just knew how people were feeling. It was a privilege to work with Barbara. The Foundation and each of we Heads owe her great gratitude. I wish her good health and happiness in the future. Thank you Barbara. You are a true guiding light and a Star!