1 minute read

Breakfast club at Makybe Rise Primary School

Breakfast Club at Ma School is a great way to start the day for many of our students. There are between 80-150 students who pop in for a quick breakfast before school starts, and we receive many generous donations from local food charities that help to cover the cost of running the event There are trays of toast and cheesies, warm baked beans and tin spaghetti, fresh fruit and milo. Needless to say, the cheesies go like… well…cheesies!

Makybe Rise P&C Committee works together with the school chaplain and staff to bring breakfast to the students two mornings a week Alongside the chaplain and exec members we also have several parents volunteering on a rotation. With many hands making light work we have also been able to work with parents we haven’t had involved before offering a no strings attached opportunity to help out Additionally, this has actually led to increased numbers at our meeting and overall more interest in what we do!

e’ve seen a boost in our attendance as Breakfast Club coincides with Runners Club. Hungry little bellies come dashing over from the oval, all warmed up and ready to claim their share of a warm breakfast We had teachers state their students are more focused and ready for school on Breakfast Club days!

The conversation and good cheer of the Student Warriors are part of what makes up the great environment that the kids love to be a part of They interact effectively with students as they serve and always ensure the process is prompt and fair They take their service to the next level as they make sure that enough toast and cheesies are left in the warming oven for the runners who join us towards the end of the Breakfast Club timeframe

Breakfast is definitely the most important meal of the day and certainly one of the most important and rewarding programs to support at our school.

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