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The teachers and I hope you have all had a great start to 2023!

It´s super to have such a lively and buzzing school, with so many happy and inquisitive faces around


We are planning on opening another preschool class on Wednesday mornings, so if you would like to add an additional day for your child, or change from an existing day, please contact the office.

Our WAC World Book Day, which is much loved by the children and such a fun event, will be held on Wednesday afternoon 15th March. The children are encouraged to dress-up as their favourite book character and to bring the book along, if they have it. (More details will follow after the holidays.)

During the first week of the spring holidays – 24th to 28th April our popular “Spring Vacation Program” will be back! It will be run by Ashley, a qualified primary teacher, who is planning fun-filled and exciting mornings for your children. The sign-up sheets are now up on the notice board, places are limited, so please sign up soon.

I have included a summary of what our English Flyers (English as a second language) classes are all about. If you have any questions about these classes or they seem unclear, please don’t hesitate to contact either myself or the teachers for a more detailed explanation.

Just a reminder that we follow the Uster school holiday schedule, and our school will be closed from Monday the 20th of February until Friday the 3rd of March for the winter break.

Wishing you all a great snowy winter holiday!
