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Feller’s strategic priorities

steps within this priority. But Feller made clear that his goal is creating an inclusive Wabash not just for students.

“This doesn’t just mean for students—it also means a sense of belonging among staff,” said Feller.

The second strategic priority is philanthropy, a term many college administrators understandably endorse. But to hear Feller tell it, philanthropy to him means more than mere financial support.

“I think philanthropy is about relationships,” said Feller. “And we’ve got to continue to strengthen the relationships that people have with the College. That’s largely about our students and alumni, but about other friends of the College as well. Financial support is a huge part of that, but so is identifying internships and job opportunities. There are lots of ways people demonstrate their love for Wabash College.”

Feller’s third major strategic goal is enrollment, focusing on the projected demographic shifts facing colleges nationwide.

“Wabash in the future is going to draw more students from more different places,” said Feller. “We already have the highest number of international students in the history of the College. We’re going to draw our student body more nationally and more internationally. And our faculty and staff too. So we’ve got to make sure that when those folks come here, they find a welcoming community where they feel a sense of belonging. “This College is relational, not transactional.”

Naturally, focusing on enrollment and retention often goes hand-in-hand with creating a sense of belonging and inclusion. “We know that our out-of-state students are not retained at the same level as in-state students,” said Feller. “Distance is a risk factor retention-wise.”

Part of Feller’s action steps for all three of these involves the long-discussed plans to build a campus center, a non-classroom space for students to live, play and engage with each other. Though the library currently serves a similar role, Feller believes that the student body could use a separate, non-academic and purpose-driven space for student life.

“To me, the campus center is at the intersection of belonging, enrollment and philanthropy,” said Feller.

In choosing which strategic priorities to emphasize, Feller also focused on removing older strategic priorities, ones that had already been sufficiently operationalized.

“There are some that are ready to be retired, not because they are unimportant, but because we have incorporated them,” said Feller.

Feller pointed to two clear examples. The first was expanding the academic footprint. With recent years seeing the development of new majors in computer science and PPE, along with several new interdisciplinary minors, Feller found this goal to be sufficiently engaged with.

Another example was articulating the value of a liberal arts education. As anyone who has received the many informational flyers from admissions or advancement can explain, the College has certainly made this goal a reality.

“Nowadays, it’s everywhere on the web page,” Feller said. “That’s no longer a strategic priority—that’s just what we do on Mondays.”

Focusing on big-picture strategy and 2032 also led Feller to reflect on his own legacy—what exactly he hopes to be remembered for as president.

“What I want to accomplish is what I think the College needs right now, in this moment,” said Feller. “And that’s not what the College needed ten years ago, and not what it will probably need 10 years from now.”

Feller described what he viewed to be the greatest threat to small, liberal arts colleges, especially in the post-pandemic world: financial threats.

“Right now, liberal arts colleges like Wabash are facing intense financial pressures,” Feller said. “We’re committed to a