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TAKEitEASY guaranteeddeparturesstartingfrom2people quality

Itineraries and programs

Routes “off the beaten paths”, which include unusual experiences, and leave room for everyone to model the travel program to their liking.


- Downtime/+ Experiences

Paths are designed to minimize the amount and duration of transfers, avoid pack and unpacking too often, and give the opportunity to visit as many places as possible with the least hassle.


They are made with luxury cars, and professional drivers, with knowledge of the territory and great attention and care of passengers


Take it Easy. Relax and enjoy the journey. A travel concept that combines the need to get the most from holidays, by learning, admiring, testing, feeling, and the desire of serenity and relaxation. TOUR D/N PAG LAND OF SUN 12/11 3 EXTRAORDINARY ITALY 12/11 6 THE GOLDEN PATH 8/7 9 UNIQUE FLAVOUR 8/7 11 BRIGHTFUL ITALY 8/7 13 BELLISSIMA ITALIA 10/9 15 NORDIC LANDSCAPES 8/7 17 WONDERS OF ITALY 12/11 19 AMAZING SICILY 6/5 21 MAGIC SOUTH 8/7 23 FABULOUS ITALY 17/16 25

Selected with strict quality and efficiency criteria. We use city hotels, but also Farmhouses, Masserie Country Resorts of high quality, to ensure maximum comfort.


Not only the quality, but also and above all the direct experience and knowledge of local culinary traditions.

If what is already included is not enough, you have a wide range of services to add.


Activities that not only remain in photography, or videos or socials, but become learning and experience that lasts forever.


A team available H24, by phone and on-site, with immediate and decisive answers.

Live the territory

Travel is the pleasure that remains indelible in memory, and the true journey is knowledge. Possible thanks to the travel experiences of TakeitEasy Collection by Vogliovolare