3 minute read

Let it Flow Health-driven H2O that’s kind to mother earth.

By Erica Corsano | Photos by Pipe Yanguas

Luxury and sustainability aren’t words you typically see side by side. But in a world where consumers are becoming more conscious about their carbon footprint, brands are responding with products that fit the bill. KOPU Water founders Justin and Mindy Mahy realized that the bottled water category was seriously lacking when it came to an upscale, healthdriven product that was truly sustainable. In fact, the numbers speak for themselves. Only an astounding thirty percent of all glass water bottles are actually recycled. You may do your part by placing them in your brightly colored recycle bins, but in reality, a small percentage of states in the United States (ten to be exact) actually have the capacity to recycle glass— sending these glass vessels straight to landfills, where it takes about a million years (yes, really) to decompose.


When the husband and wife entrepreneurs began to research this product category, they realized they had to do something to change the way we consume water. They say that KOPU is founded on love and respect for the planet and for each other. Their mission is unique: to deliver the best tasting water in the world while minimizing impact on the Earth.

The water itself is sourced from an artesian spring thousands of feet below the dormant volcanoes of Oregon’s Cascade Range and happens to be loaded with minerals that are uber healthy. “The water is sourced from the best water spring in America- it’s naturally alkaline at 8.0 pH and is filled with minerals that are very healthy for our bodies,” Mindy explains. It contains bodyfortifying minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium, and benefits from naturally-occurring silica, known as the “beauty mineral” for its hair, nail, and skin enhancing properties.

That’s just part of the magical equation. The beautiful bottles that hold the water are made from 100% aluminum, which is a highly recyclable material. Justin explains, “One of our biggest world problems is packaging waste, so to build a company that is authentically sustainable is important to us. Aluminum is highly recyclable. Sixty days after our bottles are recycled, they will reemerge as a can of soda or maybe a Tesla! It’s the sustainability wonder material.” The savvy business owners’ commitment to their mission of sustainability is truly next-level—the company takes all the bottles from their participating clients and delivers them to local metal partners, where they go back into the aluminum stream.

As for the actual design of the bottle, it was inspired by a rare and expensive stone: the paraíba tourmaline. Discovered in 1989, paraíba tourmalines are among the world’s most prized gemstones and are renowned for showing intense blue colors. “Whenever you see this color, it exudes happy and healthy and all of the things we want to embody and it stands out as a beacon of luxury and sustainability,” Justin explains.

The luxury travel space was the perfect market to place the eco-conscious H2O. “We wanted to specifically go into upscale hospitality…we truly believe that luxury and sustainability go hand in hand,” Mindy says. You can find their sleek aluminum bottles of sparkling and flat water at Acqualina Resort & Residences. Both brands felt that their missions aligned perfectly to create a long lasting partnership. “Deborah Yager Fleming, CEO + Partner of Acqualina, immediately recognized that we shared the same brand values and that takes real vision…we are thankful for that partnership,” Justin says.

Additionally, a special partnership with Forbes Travel Guide expanded their reach. “Arbiters of luxury travel, Forbes Travel Guide had been looking for a water that truly embodies their values as well as future proofing from a sustainability factor…there were no brands meeting that threshold and we found each other and decided to partner,” Mindy explains.

One of our biggest world problems is packaging waste, so to build a company that is authentically sustainable is important to us.


Mindy and Justin teach sustainability to their three children and incorporate best practices in their daily lives, including shopping at farmer’s markets, eating local ingredients (when possible), and advocating for sustainable living in their community. A family of five living in Florida, the Mahy’s feel that it’s important to inform the next generation to make sure they can protect the Earth and change the way humankind consume water — and all products for that matter. “The stewardship of the packaging is huge…we are one of the few companies who do this and we are leading this movement,” Justin says. “If we don’t, we are going to be living around trash heaps… for our children and grandchildren, we have to address this now.”