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How to tackle complaints .

Does ViskoTeepak receive complaints from our customers? Yes. ViskoTeepak is not perfect. In 2022 we started an article series highlighting some of the most common complaints. We can detect the root cause of the received reclamations, even when the answer lies outside of ViskoTeepak. Accepting a failure is one thing; addressing a mistake to prevent the same issues in the future and reduce waste has even higher importance. ViskoTeepak can trace back most of the products through its unique traceability system that contains a detailed process database in combination with seam marks on our casing. Our tech group also can connect the casing characteristics with the customer's requirements. If there is an issue, the reason must be nearby, and ViskoTeepak will discover it.

Most complaints could be divided into the following complaint groups:


Customer related ViskoTeepak related Operator's failure


We plan on releasing 4 editions that will describe random issues that we received in the last decade. Not to blame people but to make everyone aware and give them the tools and knowledge to prevent such mistakes from happening again. By taking precautions, this wil help reduce waste. Articles 1 & 2 have already been released and spread to customers and partners around the globe. During 2023 we will continue with article number 3 & 4. Below you will find all Fibrous examples featured in the first 2 articles.